Yoga Routine To Relieve Back Pain

Some yoga postures help stretch your back muscles to speed pain relief. In addition, regular practice strengthens the region and reduces the risk of injury.
Yoga Routine to Relieve Back Pain

Yoga exercises to relieve back pain are a great addition to relaxing your muscles and combating stress-related symptoms. Although there are several factors that affect this disease, stretching and breathing this activity help to palliate it.

Although many prefer to rest in the face of muscular tensions, the practice of yoga has therapeutic effects that are more beneficial. In fact, doing it on a regular basis has become an effective method of relieving chronic or recurrent pain.

However, it is important to know how to choose an appropriate posture, especially when there is not enough experience with the exercises. Because of this, below we want to share a simple routine that focuses on the work of this body part. Cheer up?

1. Position of the child

Child's posture: exercise to relieve back pain

The child’s position is one of the ways to practice yoga to relieve back pain. It is an active spinal stretch that relieves stiffness and tension by improving circulation and relaxing muscles.

What to do?

  • Get on your knees, with your buttocks resting on your heels. Then bring your head to the ground until you touch it.
  • Keep your arms close to your body to relax more.
  • Try to hold the pose for 15 or 20 seconds while taking a deep breath.

2. cat

The cat pose, known in yoga as “Bidalasana,” is a complete exercise that relieves tension on the back and neck. Due to the movements it involves, it favors the use of synovial fluid to keep the spine flexible and healthy.

What should you do?

  • Pulling out of the child’s position, get up. Stretch your arms and arch your spine up (like a cat).
  • Keep your head down, as if you were trying to touch your abdomen with your forehead. Also, keep your knees and the tops of your feet flat on the floor.
  • Then straighten your back and let it steady for a few seconds. At the same time, lift your head and look straight ahead.
  • Move from one position to another with slow movements and breathing exercises. For example, inhale in the first position and exhale in the next.

3. Triangle

The triangle posture or “Trikonasana” is a yoga exercise to relieve back and neck pain. It also gives the hips and spine greater flexibility, which helps to avoid the risk of injury.

What to do?

  • Stand up straight and spread your legs a little more than shoulder-width apart. Next, touch the left leg with the hand on the same side.
  • Then stretch your right arm toward the ceiling as well as your head.
  • Try to keep your left leg long and the other leg slightly bent.
  • Finally, repeat the exercise on the opposite side and rest.

4. Grasshopper Postures

The “Salabhasana” or grasshopper pose is a complete exercise to stretch and relax the muscle groups in the body. Since it completely stretches the spine, it helps to relieve back pain. In addition, it allows you to work on the abdomen and shoulders.

What to do?

  • Lie face down on the yoga mat, support yourself on your abdomen.
  • Then lift your legs and chest so that they cannot touch the floor.
  • Keep your arms close to your body, with your fingers pointing towards the back of your body.
  • Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds, breathing normally.

5. Dove

Dove: exercise to relieve back pain

The dove pose or “Salamba kapotasana” is a complex yoga exercise to relieve back pain. It involves movements that increase the flexibility and strength of the muscles that surround the spine. This in turn strengthens the glutes, hamstrings and calves.

What to do?

  • Get on your knees and put one bent leg forward. Stretch your other leg back and place your hands on the floor against your body.
  • Next, stretch your groin toward the floor. To do this, move your heel away from the bent leg and lift your knee. Also contract the butt so that it doesn’t work as a “lever”.
  • Bring the coccyx to the pubis, contract the abdomen and bring the shoulder blades together to guide them to the coccyx. To finish, stretch your arms over your head with your palms together.

to ease the pressure on your hips, push your hands onto the floor.

As you can see, the yoga routine to relieve back pain is very simple and doesn’t require a lot of experience. Just look for a quiet and comfortable place where you can concentrate 100%.

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