What Sugar Does To The Liver And How To Treat It

Eliminating sugar from your diet has many health benefits, and you may already know this. The reason is because refined sugar is not a food, as it has no nutritional value, it is just energy.
What sugar does to the liver and how to treat it

Sugar is considered not only an enemy of the diet, but one of the biggest villains of diabetes and also an intoxicant of one of our main organs, the liver.

In this article, we’ll explain everything sugar does to the liver and how we can treat it if you suffer from inflammation in this all-important organ.

The relationship between liver and sugar


Our liver is a real laboratory, in charge of purifying the organism, synthesizing enzymes and, in addition, being a store of glucose (energy).

In other words, it is the liver that helps us keep blood sugar levels and other body fuels in the proper balance.

It’s important to consider that when we eat, the liver will store sugar from those foods we eat.

When our organs and muscles need energy, the liver produces glycogen, which fuels cellular activities.

white sugar

Why does sugar damage the liver?

  • The white sugar we consume every day is made up of equal parts glucose and fructose. Fructose is almost three times sweeter than glucose.
  • Glucose can be metabolized by any organ and does not cause many problems, whereas fructose is only accepted by the liver. What happens then? All the fructose ends up in the liver, overloading it and causing it to collapse.
  • When white sugar reaches our liver in excess, it converts almost all of it into fat. Over time, the body develops insulin resistance. If that happens, our cells become resistant to this hormone, and the pancreas will try to balance the sugar by producing higher levels of insulin, causing the body to accumulate more and more fat.
  • Also, because of such a huge excess of blood sugar and insulin, the activity of a hormone called leptin is blocked. Leptin is responsible for regulating our feeling of hunger.
  • A high level of insulin also results in hypertension and a decrease in so-called “good cholesterol”, causing a “metabolic syndrome”. In other words, it’s what’s known as fatty liver.
  • Many people think that fatty liver is just a result of excessive consumption of alcohol or food, but sugar can cause the problem, leaving the liver inflamed and sick.

How to cleanse the liver of excess sugar

To have a healthier and stronger liver, you need to start restricting your sugar intake. There are very good substitutes that can sweeten food without compromising your health. Check out some:

  • stevia
  • Honey
  • agave nectar
  • brown rice syrup
  • Xylitol
  • barley malt
  • Maple syrup
  • coconut sugar
  • date sugar

Remember that the highest intake of sugar occurs because it is present in many foods, both sweet and savory.

White bread has a high sugar content, as well as soft drinks, sweets, candies, puddings, condensed milk, yogurts and jellies.

It is necessary to eliminate all these foods from the diet, adopting the diet versions, or preparing your recipes with healthy sweeteners.

For those who already have an inflamed liver, it is essential to seek medical help. Complement your treatment with our natural remedy tips to cleanse the liver:

Eat a garlic on an empty stomach

Eaten on an empty stomach, garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic and liver and pancreas cleanser. Eliminates bacteria, reduces high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and helps clean the blood.

The taste of garlic is repulsive, but you can mash it well and mix it with a little honey, taking a spoonful at a time, without chewing.

artichoke water

Artichoke water, that is, the broth produced during its cooking, is good for the liver. It purifies the organ and contains the right vitamins to strengthen and regenerate it.

How to prepare artichoke water

Cook two artichokes in a liter of water. When they are very soft, remove the artichokes and set aside.

You can use them in delicious recipes, such as artichoke heart antipasti.

Add the juice of a lemon to the broth and store in a tightly capped glass bottle. It is recommended to drink this water throughout the day, with the first cup on an empty stomach, in the morning.

The ideal is to drink the artichoke water for ten days and repeat the treatment every month.

The best foods to cleanse the liver

  • Grapefruit
  • Green tea
  • Leafy vegetables (such as kale, spinach, arugula, watercress)
  • Chlorophyll
  • Avocado
  • Broccoli
  • Apple
  • Linseed oil
  • Brown rice
  • Oat

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