What Can We Learn From Children

Children can be great teachers for adults. Watch your child and learn to live in all its splendor!
What can we learn from children

As parents, we are used to teaching our children how to behave, how to manage their emotions, and a thousand other things. Now, have you ever thought about what kinds of things we can learn from children?

Things We Can Learn From Children

1. Carpe diem: live the present

child living in the present
Enjoy your life, one day at a time.

Children don’t care about tomorrow or yesterday. For them, there is only the present, and that is wonderful!

So try to forget everything, at least for a while. Enjoy yours today, without thinking about what you should have done yesterday or the problems you will face tomorrow. Live the present with the joy of children.

2. Ask for help

Children don’t mind asking for help, in fact they do it without a problem! When was the last time you asked someone for help?

Needing someone else is nothing to be ashamed of. Remember this the next time you feel the world is weighing too heavily on your shoulders. Look at your child and ask for help!

3. Playing is not wasting time

What can we learn from children
Play as if you were a child and enjoy time with your children.

Another thing we can learn from children is that playing is important. Doing recreational activities is a way to connect with ourselves, to open ourselves to creativity and pleasure. So don’t hesitate to enjoy your time playing with your child; it will do both of you good!

4. Say what you feel

Children are, above all, honest, even when they can hurt someone else. Obviously, we must always be careful, not only with what we say, but also with “how” we say it. However, learning to express what we feel is a lesson we shouldn’t ignore.

5. Surprise yourself with your surroundings

Look at the world through your children’s eyes. Be amazed by the rainbow, enjoy the wind, laugh in the rain. Let your child guide you so that you can experience these everyday situations as something new and surprising that can make you smile like the first time.

6. Learn to forgive

Children are not spiteful. Because they live in the present, they don’t harbor resentment about what happened yesterday. On the contrary, they forget.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should repeatedly stumble over the same rock, but that forgiving from the heart may be what you need to do to heal yourself. So do this for yourself, not for those who need your forgiveness.

7. Hug, kiss, love

What can we learn from children
Don’t keep your feelings. Tell others how much you love them.

Undoubtedly, another of the lessons we can learn from children is not to keep to ourselves the caresses we want to do. If you feel this way, be sure to show the healing power of a hug or kiss, and never fail to tell the other person how much you love them.

8. dream big

Have you ever asked a child what he wants to be when he grows up or what he would invent if he could? The answers can be totally unexpected, because children dream big. Nothing is too weird, crazy or impossible. Be infected by your child and let your imagination soar.

9. Play at being invincible

Learning to trust yourself a little more is another of life’s great lessons. Children play at being superheroes, astronauts or knights, for example. They fight all kinds of imaginary battles and are always victorious. Feeling invincible, believing in yourself and not being overwhelmed by adversity can be wonderful.

10. Question everything

Don’t accept what you’re told just because “it’s like that”. Be a little like children and allow yourself to think outside the box. Question what you think is not right, without fear of what others will say, and ask without shame.

11. Laugh more

girl in the field
There’s nothing better than walking through life with a smile.

It doesn’t matter if you’re laughing at something that makes sense or not. Enjoy your life, play, dance, sing loudly, even if you’re out of tune. Find reasons to laugh and take advantage of them.

12. Avoid worries

Worrying is exactly that: worrying, that is, worrying before something happens. Children don’t care because they live in the present. Is getting dirty really a problem? No, not really. Let go of worries and be more free.

13. Don’t judge

Prejudices don’t exist for young children. They just want to play and have fun. Therefore, learning not to judge someone by their clothes, skin color or beliefs is what you need to be more empathetic and happy!

14. Face your fears

boy scared of dog
Fear paralyzes! Don’t hesitate to face him!

Have you ever thought about how many fears young children face every day? So be a little like your child and forget about your fears; let yourself go and enjoy new adventures.

15. Fail… and try again

Your children learn from their failures. For them, life is a process of continual trial and error in which giving up is not an option. How many times have you seen your little one try to achieve something over and over again until he gets it? So follow his example!

16. Indulge yourself

Allow yourself a treat once in a while. What if you eat the pizza you want instead of the salad? Or if, instead of cleaning the bathroom, you play train travel with your children? Nothing will happen if you “break the rules” for a day.

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