Top 10 Remedies For Varicose Veins

For some remedies, such as aloe vera or essential oils, to be more effective, it is recommended to apply them at night, so that they work while we sleep.

Varicose veins are one of the most common circulatory problems and affect mainly women, even though many men also have the problem. We will present in this article 10 remedies for varicose veins.

They have many characteristics, being most commonly recognized by the dilation of the veins, which prevents the proper circulation of blood and causes “nodules” seen with the naked eye.

Even if its origin is in the malfunction of the circulatory system, there are several causes that can trigger the problem, and equally, several solutions.

The most common causes of this problem are obesity, sedentary lifestyle or lack of mobility, staying in the same position for a long time (especially standing), the use of contraceptives, family history, smoking, hypertension, high cholesterol or the thrombosis problems.

In turn, it is very important to pay attention to the first manifestations of this problem, as otherwise, it is possible that further complications may arise over time.

For example, in some cases, varicose veins can seriously affect certain members of the body, particularly the lower ones, even causing amputations.

Undoubtedly, there are several recommendations to avoid the emergence of this malaise. However, if they do, pay careful attention to some remedies for varicose veins that, in addition to being very effective, are easy to make.

Contrary to what many people think, these remedies for varicose veins can be of great help, especially if prepared and administered properly.

1. Garlic, the first cure for varicose veins

This is one of the products of natural origin that have great benefits to fight varicose veins. Thanks to its properties, garlic helps to deflate them and improve circulation.

Experts recommend consuming it either in daily food, as most people normally do, or applying an ointment made with pounded garlic cloves and a little alcohol. This remedy must be applied four times a week in regions affected by varicose veins.

2. Aloe

Baboba is one of the remedies for varicose veins

Aloe Vera’s properties are very effective for the treatment of varicose veins, as well as for other problems and diseases. In this case, it is recommended to apply it through compresses in the affected regions.

It is best to do this at night and leave the aloe vera compresses in the area, preferably and, if possible, until the next morning. It is very important that the aloe is warm, as this way the plant’s properties will be better used.

3. Apple vinegar

This product is also very effective against the problem at hand. Its application is very simple.

Just wet a clean cloth with a little apple cider vinegar and apply it directly to the varicose veins. It is necessary to leave the cloth in place for a few minutes.

Or, it is possible to do light massages with movements that go from the lower region of the legs to the top. But pay attention! Pressure should not be applied to the affected region.

4. Vinegar, carrot and aloe ointment

Another very effective option is to prepare an ointment made with a little aloe, vinegar (preferably apple) and carrots.

As we said, the first two can be used in other ways, but to prepare the ointment, just put all the ingredients in a blender or a food processor and then grind them until you get a reasonably thick cream.

Finally, the ointment should be applied over the varicose veins and act on the region for approximately thirty minutes. After that, remove the ointment and then use cold water to rinse and clean the area.

Remedies for varicose veins

5. Soaking baths

This is a very simple remedy that can be used every day. In addition, it can be of great help for the feet, thanks to the fact that at the end of its application, this region will be more rested, relaxed, fresh and even deswollen if necessary.

Soaking baths are performed in a bucket (or any other satisfyingly large container) of water, sea salt, and a cup of apple cider vinegar. Just soak your legs for twenty minutes in the mixture and massage gently.

6. Green clay ointment

In this case, basically, we prepare an ointment or paste of green clay mixed with a little water. Of course, you should not use too much water, as if this happens the consistency of the ointment will not be adequate.

Once it’s ready, apply over the affected area, preferably at night, letting it dry. Afterwards, wash everything with a little warm water and mild soap.

7. Sheet Solution

Mint is one of the remedies for varicose veins

This is one of the varicose vein remedies that requires a little more work to prepare. However, its effectiveness is very good, so it’s worth it.

The preparation consists of boiling two liters of water and then adding a little mint leaves, chamomile and bay leaves. Let the solution stand for five minutes and then apply, dipping your feet into a bucket and mixing the solution with a pinch of baking soda first.

It is important to mention that this remedy can cause hives in some people, so care must be taken in its application.

Get to know the natural properties of mint.

8. Chili pepper

Amazingly, this pepper has properties that help to decongest the veins and cause better blood circulation.

Therefore, experts recommend that we consume this pepper in small amounts, and there are different options for preparing it. For example, choose to eat chili, which is actually a kind of sweet pepper and doesn’t burn.

9. Horse chestnut bark tea

This remedy for varicose veins consists of boiling, for approximately ten minutes, 50 grams of horse chestnut bark in a liter of water. So, after this time, it is necessary to strain the tea and drink it immediately. Due to its properties, the Indian chestnut is perfect for a good circulation, deflating varicose veins.

10. Essential oils

Essential Oils as Remedies for Varicose Veins

They are very good for de-inflaming varicose veins and thus stimulating good circulation. It is best to use them to massage the affected areas.

For example, it’s best to start at your feet and knees and gradually work your way up to your thighs. Massages should be applied gently, from the bottom to the top or in a circular fashion.

In addition, it should preferably be performed at night, so that the properties of essential oils work while we sleep.

Therefore, we hope that you these varicose vein remedies will be helpful for you!

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