The Peach, The Fruit Of Eternal Youth

Applied topically, peaches can help restore health to our complexions, while its consumption is very beneficial in eliminating free radicals and favoring digestion.
The peach, the fruit of eternal youth

Peach is more beneficial  than you might believe. Not only its nutrients are good for our health, but, in addition, it provides us properties and becomes more coveted in the field of beauty.

Discover the secrets of the peach, the fruit of eternal youth, in the following article.

2 names and a thousand properties

Did you know that inside this orange colored fruit with its velvet skin hide many nutrients that improve our health and promote beauty?

The peach has several nomenclatures around the world, being originally from China, and having its first traces of its cultivation over 3,000 years ago.

Throughout the East it is the symbol of immortality, because it contains a good amount of rejuvenating substances. Among them, we can highlight vitamins A, C and E (with great antioxidant powers).

In addition, peach  boosts the immune system and delays the appearance of wrinkles, sagging  and other age marks that appear in the dermis.


The pulp is full of beta-carotenes. This pigment helps to tan faster and makes the sun’s rays have a less negative impact on our skin. It also reduces hypersensitivity to sunlight.

Peach is recommended for young people who have acne or dry skin and for those who suffer from stomach ulcers.

masks with peaches

Peach Moisturizing Mask

To enjoy all the benefits of this fruit, we can prepare masks and apply them to the face. It is much more economical and effective than any cream or lotion that is sold in stores!

Peach Moisturizing Mask

The peach mask serves to give greater luminosity and smoothness to the skin.  In addition to applying it on the face, we can use it on the hands, arms and shoulders.


  • 1 peach
  • ½ pot of natural yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (16 g)


  • Cut the peach in half (without peeling) and remove the stone.
  • Place it in the blender cup along with the honey,  yogurt  and oil. Mix well until it becomes a smooth, bubble-free paste.
  • Wash the area you want to treat and, when it’s still damp, apply the mask.
  • Leave to act for about 20 minutes, remove with warm water and dry with small touches with the towel.

Peach mask for dry skin

If your problem is a very battered and dry dermis, then you need to try this homemade recipe.


  • ½ peach
  • tomato
  • 1 tablespoon of avocado
  • ½ banana
  • 1 slice of kiwi


  • Wash and peel all ingredients. Place in blender jar and blend well until it becomes a compact mass.
  • Apply to face, neck and chest, previously cleaned and dried.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with a good amount of water.

After-sun mask with peaches

Box with peaches

We can use this peach mask or lotion if we don’t use the proper protection factor or if we stay at the beach, pool or outdoors for a long time.


  • 1 peach
  • ½ cucumber
  • 2 tablespoons of tapioca
  • 3 mint leaves


  • Remove the peach pit, and without peeling it, place it in a blender with the  cucumber  and mint leaves. Beat for a few seconds and then add the tapioca.
  • Apply to sun-affected areas and let it work for 20 minutes before removing with fresh water.

Medicinal properties of peach

In addition to the benefits for beauty and aesthetics,  this wonderful fruit contains many properties for our health… They are worth knowing!

Women who are looking to get pregnant or who are already pregnant can boost the body’s folic acid (which, among other things, helps in the formation and development of the fetus) by eating fresh peaches. It is recommended 1 per day.

So that it is not always used in dessert, it can also be combined with certain vegetables (such as lettuce or endive) and converted into a delicious sweet and sour salad.


Due to its high content of group B vitamins and magnesium, peach is an ally to combat stress. This is due to the fact that it has relaxing properties. Therefore, it will not only help you to appear more youthful and beautiful, but also calmer and more serene.

As if all this were not enough, there is still more to this superfruit. Contains 10 different vitamins and all of them with antioxidant effects. For example:

  • Vitamin A, which helps maintain healthy eyesight.
  • Vitamin B, which is essential for the maintenance of organ systems.
  • Vitamin C, which restores tissues and prevents us from getting sick.
  • Vitamin E, which improves skin health.
  • Vitamin K, which regulates blood clotting levels so that wounds heal faster.

More properties

Several studies indicate that peach antioxidants (such as folic, pantothenic and chlorogenic acids) are essential to eliminate free radicals that accumulate in the body and are related to premature aging and the appearance of serious diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.


Regularly eating peaches is very good for people who have visual problems, as they prevent cataracts from forming and improve hypersensitivity to sunlight, as well as night blindness.

As far as the stomach is concerned,  peach is perfect for facilitating digestion. Although it is a “heavy” food for this organ, it has other properties for the digestive system in general.

For example, it increases the production of bile, favors the digestion of fats and helps in the processes of biliary insufficiency.

Peach juice is very good for reducing the symptoms of kidney stones  or gallbladder, favoring their dissolution and even preventing their appearance. It has laxative properties and can be effective in helping to prevent constipation and regulate intestinal transit.

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