Relief Of Tendonitis With Natural Solutions

If you need to effectively alleviate tendonitis, then you should know and try the following natural remedies. Some important tips, as well as certain foods and supplements, can help soothe painful tendonitis.
Relief from tendonitis with natural solutions

Tendonitis is as common as it is uncomfortable. There are many causes, from a wrong move to overwork. However, tendonitis relief is no longer an issue.

When tendons become inflamed, you have tendonitis, which like any inflammation causes a lot of pain. Occurs when too much movement is made, sudden repetitions, or too much effort.

4 steps to tendonitis relief

Massages to relieve tendonitis

The tendonitis relief process should start at home. To speed up your recovery, you must follow the treatment recommended by the specialist, with four steps that you must follow precisely:

1. Rest

The main goal is for the affected tissue to heal. This does not mean that you should take complete rest, as this will only contribute to the stiffness of the area. Avoid activities that increase your pain, such as high-impact sports and strenuous work.

Yes, you can do low-impact exercises that don’t move the affected tendon. It’s a good time for water sports. When you feel the swelling has gone down, move the joint to its full range to maintain flexibility.

2. Ice

It is an ideal companion in the recovery process as it helps reduce inflammation, pain, and muscle spasms. Use ice water baths, ice packs, or ice massage.

For the latter, you should just freeze an ice pack and apply it to the affected area, making gentle movements for about 20 minutes, several times a day. The more ice the better. We should always apply it with a cloth that avoids direct contact of ice with the skin to avoid further damage.

Ice for tendonitis relief

3. Compression

This technique allows you to limit the movement of the affected area, preventing it from suffering further damage and the pain from getting worse. On the other hand, it helps to reduce inflammation. To do this, use elastic compression bandages, or the classic compresses.

4. Elevation

Especially when damage occurs, elevating the joint above the heart line will reduce blood access to the affected area. In this way, we reduce the process of inflammation and related pain that appear after the injury.

If we also apply ice, we will quickly control the inflammatory process and reduce the damage suffered.

Foods You Should Eat for Tendonitis Relief

shoulder in pain

The idea is to consume foods that contribute to a short recovery, and that accompany the recovery therapy. Let’s see:

  • Bromelain, this is an enzyme with anti-inflammatory properties that will help you relieve pain and recover quickly. Pineapple is a great example.
  • Omega-3 is an essential acid that will participate in your recovery process, de-inflaming the affected area and relieving pain. We can find it in fish and nuts.
  • All minerals are needed for tendonitis relief. The most important, in this case, are silicon and magnesium, as they act directly on the affected tendon, helping its recovery. You can get them from countless fruits and vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, and just about any fruit. Dark chocolate is also an important source of magnesium!
  • Accompany the diet with herbs, fruits, and vegetables that have anti-inflammatory properties, or that work as pain relievers. Pineapple, apple and cherries are great examples.
  • Vitamins are always needed for recovery from any discomfort. If you are suffering from tendonitis, include vitamin C, found in citrus fruits, red peppers, broccoli, and cauliflower, in your diet. Not forgetting the vitamin B1 you can get from eggs, nuts and powdered milk, and vitamin B5, present in whole grains.

natural remedies

Pain due to tendonitis

Natural remedies will always allow us to contribute to the recovery process. They are our allies, so let’s see which ones can help.

mustard oil

It is made up of essential nutrients. It has anti-inflammatory properties and soothes pain. The magnesium it contains is excellent for preserving muscles and tendons. To relieve tendonitis, massage the affected area with plenty of oil, for about 20 minutes, two or three times a day.

Castor oil (castor)

It is ideal for relieving severe pain and softening the sensitivity of the affected area. It also reduces inflammation. In a saucepan, heat the castor oil, moisten a towel or cloth, and wrap the affected tendon. Twice a day is enough to relieve pain.


In this case, we cannot fail to mention the analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of this spice. With it you will soothe pain and reduce swelling. Have a glass of hot saffron milk twice a day, and you will see the changes that will take place.


This is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that will help relieve pain and inflammation, heal the injured tendon, and restore your movement. Take two tablespoons of powdered ginger twice a day. It will be very effective.

Ginger for the tendons

In conclusion, to relieve tendonitis you need to be patient. Get the rest you need, because, to a large extent, recovery depends on it. Remember that it is preferable to be quiet for a few days, and on the move for the rest of your life. Accompany this process with good eating habits, and pertinent recommendations from your specialist.


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