Natural Treatment For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the most common gynecological problems, and is caused by the increase in male hormones in a woman’s body.
Natural Treatment for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome, also known by the acronym PCOS, is one of the most common gynecological problems, and is caused by an increase in male hormones in a woman’s body.

Among the symptoms are: irregular menstruation, lack of ovulation, acne, excess hair in some areas of the body and formation of cysts on the ovaries, which become enlarged.

About 7% of women live with the problem, which can cause difficulties when getting pregnant, increase the risk of diabetes and even heart attack. Polycystic ovary syndrome is also linked to cervical cancer if left untreated.

In this article, we’ll talk about some complementary practices, herbs, and treatments that can help you take care of PCOS in a natural way.

But every treatment needs to be accompanied by your doctor, even if they are alternative and based on herbs and herbs.

1. Diet for polycystic ovary syndrome


Diet is so important in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome that it is recommended that the patient has the support of a multidisciplinary team, consisting of physicians (gynecologist and endocrinologist), nutritionist and, if possible, a physical trainer, to assist in the program of exercises.

The treatment is personalized for each woman, but, in general, it is necessary to avoid the consumption of fried foods (coxinhas and pastries, for example) and other saturated fats (butter, cream and fatty meats).

It is also necessary to reduce the intake of foods that lead to an increase in cholesterol, such as fatty cheeses, with an intense yellow color.

Patients with polycystic ovary syndrome also struggle with anemia, often because irregular menstruation makes the flow very heavy in the months a woman has her period.

Therefore, it is generally recommended to eat foods rich in iron, such as red meat, beef liver, dark green leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, etc.), fish and beans.

It is also recommended to eat foods rich in omega 3, such as salmon and sardines, and magnesium, such as whole grains.

A healthy diet will also contribute to the health of the entire body, which increases the chances of successfully treating PCOS.

2. Physical exercises

Physical exercise is recommended by many doctors, not only to help patients deal with the discomfort and symptoms of the disease, but also to help the body fight it.

Polycystic ovary syndrome can be made worse by being overweight and related illnesses such as high cholesterol and diabetes.

Therefore, maintaining the ideal weight and exercising regularly can help PCOS to “park”, not develop into something more serious, and even help the problem to regress, leading to a cure.


Choose the exercises you like best. It is also worth mentioning that belly dancing is an excellent exercise for women with polycystic ovary syndrome, as it helps to connect us with our pelvis and femininity, helping even during childbirth.

But if you like more intense activities, such as running, weight training and gymnastics, invest in them, as it is also essential to feel pleasure during exercise.

3. Yoga and meditation

Anxiety and stress contribute to many of the hormonal imbalances and can influence PCOS.

Yoga combines the benefits of physical exercise, which keeps the body healthy, with meditation, which helps the mind deal with the stress of illness and other daily problems, as well as balancing the emotions.

You can adopt these practices to fight PCOS in a very natural way and still improve your quality of life.

5. Bach Flowers

the polycystic ovary syndrome

Among the alternative therapies available today, Bach Flower remedies are among the best known.

It uses the vibrations of flowers to balance the body’s energies, helping the body to heal on all levels, not just the physical.

It is possible to make an appointment with a flower specialist, who will prescribe the most suitable type for your case.

6. Vitex


This plant, Vitex agnus-castus, also known only as Vitex, agno-castro, limba, pure agno-puro and wild pepper, has been used since ancient times to treat female ailments, such as PMS (premenstrual tension), a absent or irregular menstruation and anxiety.

It also helps women to get pregnant, and many remedies based on this plant are recommended by gynecologists across the country.

Consult your naturopathic doctor to find out what dosage is recommended for you if you want to treat polycystic ovary syndrome and/or become pregnant.

In addition to Vitex, cat’s claw and yellow uxi are also recommended as treatment aids.

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