Natural Remedies For The Kidneys

The kidneys are the organs in charge of filtering out toxins and minerals found in the blood. That’s why they are so important for the body.
Natural Remedies for the Kidneys

Without the kidneys working properly, the entire body can collapse in a short time.

For this reason, we must be concerned about the health of these organs so that they can correctly perform their function.

How can we prevent kidney disease?

One of the easiest, most economical and natural ways to prevent the kidneys from suffering from various diseases is to consume water, approximately 8 glasses a day.

The goal is to keep the body sufficiently hydrated in order to prevent possible kidney and urinary tract infections.

Another very easy way, besides being delicious, to hydrate the body is to consume watermelon.

This fruit is considered a powerful diuretic and is recommended as a natural remedy for kidney stones.

Also, to prevent kidney stones, we can take an infusion of celery (or celery) stalks or consume the celery stalk in salads.

Also, alcoholic beverages should be avoided as far as possible.

In this way, we can prevent stones and infections and ensure healthy kidneys for years to come.

Some foods should be avoided. Mainly those that contain high levels of oxalate, such as beets, spinach, chard, soy, wheat germ, peanuts and chocolate.

the kidneys

How to fight kidney stones?

Among the diseases that can affect the proper functioning of the kidneys are the dreaded and painful stones.

Fortunately, however, the benefits of some natural remedies can counteract this problem.

One of these natural remedies is mixing olive oil with lemon juice and a splash of apple cider vinegar. These ingredients must be very well mixed.

As soon as the pain caused by the stones starts to bother us, we can take a teaspoon every hour until the pain goes away.

Another way to get rid of kidney stones is to drink grenadilla juice ( Passiflora ligularis ) several times a day.

We can also count on dandelion root, an effective option to clean the urinary tract and help eliminate kidney stones.

In that case, we take at least two or three infusions a day from this root. This will be more than enough to keep your kidneys healthy.

Another important fact is that magnesium, an essential substance for our body, prevents the production of kidney stones, helping to avoid the pain caused by them.

By consuming approximately 300 mg of magnesium daily, we will have more than enough to reach our initial goal, which is to take good care of the kidneys.

It will be a good idea to research and learn which foods can provide us with the necessary amounts of this mineral.

And, of course, include them in our daily diet to keep the stones well out of our kidneys.

Kidney Stone Teaser

Without a doubt, this is the most famous recipe in combating kidney stones, or popularly speaking, kidney stones.

Rock breaker is the popular name given to a plant scientifically known as Phyllanthus. The most used species in our country is Phyllanthus niruri .

It is important to point out that the tea does not work exactly as its name says, “breaking the stones”.

Its function is only to prevent the formation of kidney stones. In this regard, tea is extremely effective.

That is, when we have a tendency to suffer from calculi, regular tea consumption rules out the possibility.

However, when we already have the problem, tea will not be really effective in solving it.

But why does it work in preventing and relieving symptoms?

This plant is a real salvation for the ureters, as it acts in the region as an antispasmodic, muscle relaxant, anesthetic, in addition to being a diuretic. 

While it doesn’t literally break kidney stones, it makes the channel more relaxed and expulsion easier.

the kidneys

How to prepare?

Very simple. We will only need 10 g of dry stone breaker leaves (approximately 2 tablespoons) and 1 liter of water.

With the ingredients at hand, we boil the leaves for about 10 minutes in 1 liter of water. Consumption should be 2 to 3 cups a day.


We should not prolong tea consumption for more than 20 days. Despite its benefits, it can be toxic and harmful.

If its effectiveness is slow, it is recommended to consume the tea for three weeks. Then take a break for a week to start consuming it again.

In addition, pregnant women, lactating women and children should not consume tea.

Finally, it is necessary to know that we must take care of each of our organs in order to improve our quality of life and prolong our days.

Thus, we will continue to enjoy the benefits that only nature can provide us.

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