Natural And Effective Remedies To Treat Gout Symptoms

Joint pain can become a real nightmare. Eating healthy, playing sports, and avoiding alcohol will help improve problems like gout.
Natural and Effective Remedies to Treat Gout Symptoms

Learn how to treat the symptoms of gout, a condition caused by the accumulation of microscopic uric acid crystals in your joints. These crystals form clumps that protrude under the skin or are deposited in the urinary tract.

In this article we are going to talk about gout, its causes and symptoms. We will also give you tips that will be very helpful and natural remedies to avoid triggering this problem.

Causes of gout

The reasons why this disease develops are:

  • Increased uric acid in the blood
  • Obesity
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Excessive intake of uric acid precursor foods (seafood, for example)
  • alcohol abuse
  • In some cases, tiredness and emotional stress

The constant destruction and formation of cells, as well as the ingestion of certain foods, produces a certain amount of uric acid in the blood. The body eliminates it thanks to the excretory function of the kidneys.

Man suffering from gout symptoms

However, when this does not happen, the uric acid level rises abnormally. This translates to  crystals that are deposited in the joints, leading to episodes of acute pain.


Gout may have different symptoms depending on the stage of the crystals:

  • Initially, only one or several joints are affected. These are usually those on the big toe, knee or ankle.
  • This gout attack may go away within a few days, but it may return from time to time.
  • Generally speaking, the pain usually occurs at night and is characterized by being overwhelming  and even unbearable.
  • The affected joint becomes hot and flushed (inflamed) and often tender and swollen.
  • There may also be a fever.

After the first gout attack, the symptoms also disappear. However, many people who suffer from this disease  may have another attack within 6 or 12 months.

On the other hand, some people can develop chronic gout, which is called gouty arthritis. Regarding symptoms, we can highlight joint damage and loss of mobility in these joints, which will last longer than symptoms of acute gout.

Finally, tophi (nodules under the skin around joints or in places such as the elbows, fingertips, or ears) can develop. Sometimes whitish substances can appear, although only in those patients who have had the disease for many years.

Types of drop

The classification of this disease is summarized into three types:

  • Acute: A painful condition that usually affects only one joint.
  • Chronic: when episodes of pain are repetitive and cause inflammation. In this case, more than one joint is usually affected.
  • Pseudogout: disease due to the deposit of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals. It is a disorder characterized by intermittent attacks of pain and arthritis caused by the accumulation of these crystals.


You can avoid the factors that trigger your symptoms.

  • It is advisable to drink plenty of fluids  (avoiding alcoholic beverages) and maintain a diet rich in cereals, starches and vegetables.
  • Intake of purines (which can be found in seafood, red meat and blue fish) should be reduced.
  • As for the use of medications, a low daily dose of colchicine can prevent attacks or, at least, reduce their frequency.

Natural Remedies to Treat Gout Symptoms

1. Infusion of green nettle

Green nettle is a very diuretic plant, so it is highly recommended when uric acid levels in the blood are above normal values.


  • 1 tablespoon of green nettle (15 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).


  • Heat the water together with the green nettle and allow it to boil.
  • When the first boil starts, turn it off and let it rest for a few minutes.
  • Finally, pour into a cup and drink. It’s important to drink 2 or 3 cups a day.

2. Infusion of dandelion, basking crown and green anise for gout

dandelion tea

Dandelion has diuretic and depurative properties, basking crown has a protective effect in cases of gout and  green anise has anti-inflammatory properties.  Thus, they will help us to eliminate uric acid from the blood, fighting gout.


  • 1 spoon of dandelion (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of wreath flowers (15 g)
  • 3 cups of water (750 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of aniseed green (15 g)


  • Heat the water and add the herbs.
  • Wait until the first boil and turn off.
  • Allow to rest for 5 to 7 minutes before pouring into a glass and drinking.
  • It is important to take this infusion 3 times a day.

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