Mint Oil: How To Do It And What Are Its Health Benefits

Do not forget to cover the pan you are preparing the peppermint in so that all its properties are concentrated and its natural essence does not escape.
Mint oil: how to do it and what are its health benefits

Do you know all the benefits that peppermint oil provides? Apparently, it has multiple applications for both beauty and the body. Headaches, inflammations… it’s a natural formula so old and healthy that it’s worth keeping at home.

In this article we show you how you can prepare it at home in the simplest way possible. You will love it and be of great help!

What are the benefits of peppermint oil?

What are the benefits of peppermint oil?

1. Applications of peppermint oil in cosmetics

  • It’s perfect for regulating acne and fat production. Moistened in cotton can help improve the appearance of the skin, if you have, for example, acne marks.
  • A good tonic. Perfect for massaging areas with cellulite.
  • Ideal for massaging your legs if you are tired or have varicose veins.
  • Regulates fluid retention.
  • It can be used to eliminate dandruff. With damp hair, massage lightly, let it sit for a while, then rinse with warm water and wash normally.
  • It can serve as an excellent deodorant.
  • It can be a suitable and very effective repellent for lice in children.

2. Mint Oil Applications for Health

  • Helps relieve headaches. Applied with a cold compress, it helps to reduce the incidence of tension headaches.
  • It can also help if you have migraines.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • It serves as an analgesic, for example, for blows.
  • Helps treat minor burns.
  • Lowers fever and stimulates sweating.
  • Mint oil has as its main property the fact that it is ideal for reducing muscle pain and even rheumatism problems.
  • Do you often come home with foot pain? Do you notice them swollen, inflamed and tired? So nothing better than a bowl of hot water with 10 drops of peppermint oil.
  • Mint oil is a basic remedy for all problems related to the respiratory system (bronchitis, hoarseness, flu, colds…). You can do vaporizations or chest massages.
  • Ideal for insect bites.
  • Relieves premenstrual tension. You can massage your belly or apply a cloth dampened with peppermint oil.
  • It serves as an effective coolant in case of sunburn.
  • Another of its properties is to stimulate the nervous system and combat mental fatigue.
  • Increases vitality if, for example, you drop a few drops in your room as if it were an air freshener.

How to make peppermint oil at home?

How to make peppermint oil at home?


  • 350 g of fresh mint (Mint piperita).
  • 200 ml of base oil. You can choose between almond oil or olive oil.
  • One 250 ml dark glass bottle.

Method of preparation

First step

Firstly, you should get the peppermint (Menta piperita). It will be perfect if you have your own plants at home or if you can find them on the market. Once you have it, it is necessary to  wash it well with fresh water, sheet by sheet, to get rid of any impurities. Remember that it will be applied directly to the skin and we need it to be very clean.

Second step

Afterwards,  crush the mint leaves. You can use a spoon. Do it with force, as this way they are squeezed and we force the plant to release its juice. You will smell very good.

Third step

Next, let’s go to the fire. Put  200 ml of oil in a pan. The fire must be low. Also add the crushed mint, stir and allow it to melt over low heat. Cover the pan so that the natural peppermint essence does not escape. Leave for half an hour, always at a very low intensity.

Fourth step

After half an hour,  turn off the heat and let it sit. Now let’s go straight to the container, to the dark glass vial. Use a good sieve and pour the mint oil into the container, free of leaves.

fifth step

To finish, you have to leave it in a cool place, where there is no sun.

sixth step

Finally, be patient. You will have to  wait about 10 days  for the spearmint oil to finish developing all of its properties. Also, you must remember to turn the bottle every twelve hours. In this way, better integrating all the elements.

Alternative: mint alcohol

Many people, instead of making peppermint oil, make  peppermint alcohol. It is most effective for muscle and rheumatic problems and also for wound healing. If you are interested, in this case, what we will do is simply place the peppermint leaves with a bottle of 95° alcohol. Put it in an airtight container and let it rest in a dark, cool place for 15 or 20 days. After this period, filter the content and keep only alcohol. It’s really medicinal and helps us alleviate muscular and rheumatic pain. Really very useful!

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