Maternity Leave: Cherishing Mothers Who Gave Birth

Do you know what maternity leave is? It is a benefit for all women who are about to give birth. Both before and after childbirth.
Maternity leave: valuing mothers who gave birth

Women who were close to giving birth did not receive any special treatment or specific job status while they were pregnant. They simply gave birth and reincorporated themselves into their daily lives little by little. Maternity leave was not a right for many women around the world.

Maternity leave is an advantage within the postpartum period. It’s a time for you, your baby, and the adjustment process for both of you.

What is maternity leave?

Maternity leave is an allowance that the entity in charge of the country’s social security grants to women in the event of giving birth or adopting. It is a condition found in the legislation of each State within which the working position between both parties is reserved. Company and employee are in a contractual relationship.

Maternity leave extends even after having your child

This brief suspension of the employment contract takes effect from before the birth, if the woman so wishes. As a limit, mothers can apply for maternity leave until the day the baby is born. Maternity leave lasts 16 weeks of uninterrupted rest, of which at least 6 weeks must be taken after giving birth.

What happens when it’s a risky pregnancy?

Certainly, there are certain risk situations in which maternity leave needs to be taken ahead of schedule. Otherwise, it may happen that the woman is temporarily unable to exercise her profession, even after the rest period ends.

On the other hand, in case you activate this condition due to a common illness, once the baby is born, the rest period provided for in the law will begin. Pregnancy is a wonderful phase that is full of care, don’t let your work go beyond these limits. In pregnancy, your body will start to feel different due to hormonal changes. For many, the desire to work disappears.

Maternity leave starts during pregnancy

Psychological aspects

Each woman takes on the role of the mother in a different way. It is essential that you understand that having a baby is a complex process for both of you. The child requires all possible care and you need time for yourself and your recovery. You are likely to receive numerous tips from aunts, grandparents, and cousins ​​about the newborn’s first stage. Don’t resort to desperate advice, the work can wait.

Thus, motherhood is essential for the mother’s peace of mind. It allows you to have at least six weeks with your baby and keep your full attention on him without worrying about work. You must respect this period and try to divide it between caring for your baby and regaining your pace of life.

How to take advantage of maternity leave time?

Without a doubt, the birth of your baby is an event filled with happiness for your family and friends. However, at this time of maternity leave you should make the most of it and with the least amount of distractions. While everyone wants to get to know the baby, you should talk to your family and friends to ask them to respect your space and privacy during this period of time. Explain that your process of adapting to the baby is very intimate.

Mother working even on maternity leave

Don’t worry about your physical appearance. Don’t fret if you don’t feel excited to look flawless. Be patient with your body and your way back to normal. Now you will have time to recover your curves. You may think that if you improve your appearance you will feel better, but doing so should be your decision.


In conclusion, maternity leave is a benefit of the law that reminds companies of the value of their employees. At the time of delivery, begin a process of adjusting and adapting to new responsibilities. This process should never be interrupted by any activity unrelated to your little one.

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