Learn To Drink Water Correctly To Improve Your Health

We know the importance of drinking water daily, but even so this is a difficult habit to create in our daily lives.
Learn to Drink Water Correctly to Improve Your Health

We are used to drinking soda, juice and coffee, but many people go all day without drinking the water itself. With that in mind, in this article, we’ll talk about how to drink water correctly to improve your health.

We shouldn’t wait to feel thirsty to drink water, as this feeling means that our body is dehydrated. We have to drink water in small amounts throughout the day to keep the body hydrated and our cells working properly.

Here we will give some tips on how to drink water correctly to make this activity a daily habit.

The general recommendation is to drink between 2 and 3 liters of water every day, or about 8 glasses. If we are not used to drinking water, it will be difficult to increase to such a large amount all at once, but we can do it gradually.

Try to drink a glass of water at strategic times to get used to it and, over time, you will be able to get used to drinking water naturally.

child drinking water

Of course, the best time to drink water is when you can get used to it; but there are some strategic times that are ideal for drinking every glass throughout the day.

Fasting in the morning

Drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up, at least half an hour before breakfast, helps to activate the internal organs and circulatory system. In addition, water already starts the process of detoxification and elimination of toxins and waste resulting from the calories burned during nighttime metabolism.

before meals

The ideal is to drink a glass of water at least half an hour before starting a meal; and not immediately before eating food. The water will make us feel more stuffed, preventing overeating during the meal.

In addition, it prepares the body for the foods and nutrients to come next, activating the taste buds of the tongue and hydrating the stomach, so that eating acidic foods is not uncomfortable.

Avoid drinking with meals

The worst time to drink water, or any other beverage, is with meals. In this situation, the liquid dilutes digestive enzymes and stomach acids, mixing with gastric juices and making food digestion difficult.

For the same reason, we shouldn’t drink water right after meals; the ideal is to wait between 30 minutes to an hour to do this.

between meals

If you feel hungry between meals, before having a snack, drink a glass of water. Often, when we feel hungry, our bodies are actually dehydrated and thirsty, and only need a little water.

glass of water

Before, during and after physical activity

Drinking water correctly is essential before, during and after any physical exercise. Hydration is crucial for providing energy, improving circulation and replacing fluid lost through sweating.

If it’s too hot, water is even more important. Try not to drink too much water at once; rather, break the intake into small portions throughout the entire activity.

when tired

If you’re sitting at work, tired and sleepy, and having trouble concentrating on the activities at hand, get up and get a glass of water. Due to its ability to move quickly through the body, water can activate the brain and increase the ability to concentrate.

At night

Lastly, drink a glass of water at night to replace fluids that will eventually be lost. Ideally, don’t wait to drink water just before bedtime; to not have to wake up during the night and go to the bathroom, interfering with the rest period.

  • Keep a full bottle close to you at work, in the car, and in your purse at all times; to take sips throughout the day until it becomes a habit.
  • Bet on water flavored with flowers, fruits and herbs, which has a pleasant and special flavor.
  • Set a daily goal for water intake at each time of day.
  • If you forget to drink water, set your alarm to go off at each set time and then have a drink.
  • Replace soda and artificial fruit juice with natural water.

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