Know The Properties Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon has a number of at least interesting properties. So check out the article and be sure to discover some of them.
Know the properties of cinnamon

As we know, cinnamon is a spice widely used in the kitchen. That’s because it gives flavor and aroma to many of the desserts we eat on a daily basis.

However, giving flavor and aroma are not its only functions. However, it has an immense amount of at least interesting properties.

Like many other natural elements, such as plants and fruits, this spice has important benefits for our health. That’s why it is used medicinally. We invite you to read this article and learn a little more about it.

Cinnamon Origin

the origin of cinnamon is very interesting

In Chinese documents from the year 2800 BC they already spoke of Cinnamomum Zeylanicum. This is a word of Greek origin that means sweet wood and Zeylanicum comes from the name where it was cultivated, Ceylon.

In Italy it received the name Canella, which means “small tube”, referring to the shape it takes when it is dry.

It is currently cultivated in Sri Lanka, China, India and some countries in South America. In this way, its use spread throughout the world.

medicinal uses

Since ancient times cinnamon has been used medicinally, it was already used in treatments for respiratory problems and the flu; it was also used to preserve meat, as its properties do not allow fungi and bacteria to proliferate.

Circulatory Problems

Cinnamon is a potent anticoagulant and blood circulation. Frequent consumption of this spice helps good blood circulation, as it prevents blood platelets from accumulating.

Because it has this property, it is very useful to consume it during the menstrual period, avoiding the pain that appears during this period.

Furthermore, good blood circulation also allows good oxygenation of cells, so our body works better. Many people consume cinnamon as an infusion for weight loss treatment.

Cinnamon is antiplatelet, antisclerotic and also antithrombotic, which makes it useful for preventing varicose veins.

Type II diabetes

Through some scientific research carried out on the benefits that cinnamon provides to patients with type 2 diabetes, it can be proved that the results are very good when consuming the spice.

Among the components that cinnamon has, the so-called cinnamtannin is extremely important because it helps to lower blood glucose levels. It is consumed on an empty stomach and after meals. To include in a diabetes treatment it is advisable to consume half a teaspoon twice a day, powdered, infusion or capsules of cinnamon oil.

Other ways to use it

It is recommended to consume cinnamon if we have problems with infections or fungi.

For centuries, as already mentioned, it has been used in treatments against colds or flu and congestion, for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is also helpful in balancing body temperature, meaning it can reduce fever.

In addition, it helps the digestive system, as drinking a cup of cinnamon tea whets the appetite, stops diarrhea and vomiting; our digestive system is favorably stimulated.

It is also a potent aphrodisiac. Furthermore, its possible benefit as a stimulant on the central nervous system of the elderly is being studied.

Image provided by ElColorComunicación.

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