How To Prepare A Natural Cream To Protect Your Skin From The Effects Of The Sun

Thanks to the properties of its nutrients, this natural cream can become one of our best allies when it comes to protecting the skin against the harmful effects of the sun.
How to prepare a natural cream to protect your skin from the effects of the sun

The continuous exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays is related to the appearance of spots, wrinkles, and early signs of age. Therefore, in this article we will recommend a natural cream to prevent your skin from suffering from the effects of the sun.

At first glance, we don’t realize that they  cause irreversible damage to cells, which over time can lead to skin cancer or melanoma.

The most worrying thing is that its effects are not immediately visible, so  most ignore the necessary precautions to minimize its impact.

For this reason, there have been many products with protective properties whose application reduces skin dryness and other negative effects of the sun.

Among these options we find a 100% natural cream that combines several ingredients  with benefits for the skin. Next, we want to share its main properties and this simple recipe to prepare it at home.

Be sure to try it!

Natural cream to protect the skin from the effects of the sun

natural sunscreen

The natural cream to protect the skin from the sun’s rays is a product made from the combination of ingredients full of nutrients and benefits.

Its main active is zinc oxide, a substance that creates a protective barrier against the sun, so it reduces its damage to the skin tissue and cells.

It can be found in some sunscreens sold on the market, although it is a milder protection factor. In addition, the properties of beeswax, known in natural cosmetics for its moisturizing, antioxidant and regenerating action, are used.

The ingredients are full of essential nutrients which, after being absorbed by the skin, help to balance your PH and moisture level.

On the other hand, we find a prodigious coconut oil in aloe vera gel, two highly moisturizing ingredients that are often used as an alternative to many traditional beauty products.

Its regular use reduces the negative action of free radicals,  excess dryness caused by toxins, and imbalances in the activity of the sebaceous glands.

In addition, its regenerating, refreshing, and antimicrobial properties help to care for the skin and sun damage, healing burns and preventing tissue death.

How to prepare this natural cream to protect your skin from the sun?

Natural coconut cream

Due to the interesting and nutritious combination of ingredients, this natural product is recommended for all skin types.

Its application does not cause excess oil production or problems with enlarged pores that tend to clog.

Undoubtedly, it is important to clarify that your compounds must be 100% organic, as in this presentation they retain all of their properties.

Although there are brands that are quite economical, they are usually refined products whose nutritional qualities are reduced.

Homemade cream to protect your skin from the sun


  • 1 cup of solid coconut oil (200 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of beeswax (30 g)
  • 2 capsules of vitamin E oil
  • 5 teaspoons of pure zinc oxide (25 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (60 g)
  • One tablespoon of grape seed extract (10 ml)


  • 1 glass bottle with lid
  • 1 wooden spoon


  • First place the solid coconut oil in a heat resistant container and heat it in a bain-marie.
  • Let it heat up for a few minutes, then add the beeswax
  • Stir with a wooden utensil and make sure both compounds are well integrated
  • Then remove them from the heat and mix them with the two oil capsules.
  • Wait a few seconds and add the zinc oxide and aloe vera gel
  • Keep stirring and, before it solidifies, store in a glass jar and add the grape seed extract.
  • Finally, cover the product well and let it rest in a cool, dark place.

Application mode

  • Soon after obtaining a product with a creamy texture, take a small amount with your fingertips and apply.
  • Be sure to rub it well until it is absorbed, and let it work without rinsing.
  • Repeat its use every day, and twice during the day if it is very sunny.

Are you worried about the effects of the sun on your skin? So, be encouraged to prepare this product of natural origin and enjoy an extra protection of nutrients to keep your skin more beautiful and healthy.

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