How To Care For The Skin During Menopause?

By moisturizing the skin, avocado prevents dryness and its natural fats help to regenerate cells to prevent the early appearance of wrinkles.

Namely, when women enter the stage of menopause, they undergo hormonal changes that affect both their emotional state and their organism. These changes, at first, go unnoticed, but as the days go by, they start to be very visible.

During menopause, a woman is more likely to experience dry skin; in addition, the aging process is accelerated beyond normal.

It is possible that at this stage wrinkles begin to appear and the skin begins to lose its characteristic firmness.

There are many beauty products that can reduce the signs of aging that manifest themselves at this stage. In general, these products are expensive and sometimes fail to deliver the expected results.

So, would you like to know a more economical and natural alternative? Check out:

Plants that help care for the skin and prevent wrinkles during menopause

To take good care of the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles during menopause, you can use different types of plants that offer very special properties to avoid the signs of aging.

These plants have the function of moisturizing the skin, providing collagen and preventing blemishes, so the skin can look younger and smoother.

Here are some of the most beneficial plants that provide the necessary care for the skin:


Pallets that help in the menopause period

Aloe is undoubtedly the most famous plant when it comes to skin care. Its properties are amazing and proven, and act below the dermis; which is the deepest layer of the skin, causing the large amount of minerals existing in the plant (magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron, in addition to amino acids and vitamins) to penetrate this region.

This combination of elements allows the plant to regenerate skin cells, thanks to which the application of aloe vera on the skin provides benefits such as:

  • Hydration.
  • Healing.
  • Elimination of stains.
  • Repellent.
  • Skin regenerator.
  • Coagulation.
  • Among others.

As such, it is one of the most useful plants for skin care at any age and is ideal for reducing the signs of aging.

Treatment for wrinkles with aloe

This aloe-based anti-wrinkle treatment will allow you to display healthier and more hydrated skin.

In addition, it will be possible to offer oxygen to the skin cells to increase their elasticity, and at the same time regenerate the tissues that make up the face.

For this you will need:

  • aloe crystals
  • Cold water
  • a clean towel

What to do?

First, wash your face very well to sanitize it. Next,  take the pulp of the aloe (which we call here aloe crystals) and make a mask, covering the entire face.

Allow it to act for approximately 20 minutes and then remove with cold water. Soon after, dry your face with a towel pressing gently and that’s it.

It is recommended to repeat the treatment at least three times a week and preferably at night.


Avocado has many beneficial properties for the skin, hydration is one of them. Furthermore, this fruit is preferred by many industries that manufacture beauty products; after all, it has been proven to have many benefits for skin care and for reducing the signs of aging.

In this sense, avocado provides elasticity and moisture, its natural fats prevent dryness and help to regenerate cells to prevent the early appearance of wrinkles.

This natural alternative is a great ally to fight the signs of aging, you can also use it to prevent dryness and damage caused by ultraviolet rays.

Anti-wrinkle treatment with avocado

Avocado to ease menopause

With this avocado-based treatment, it will be possible to take advantage of the properties of this fruit to combat the signs of aging that appear on the skin.

It will also serve to moisturize it when it is very dry. For this, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • three slices of avocado
  • 5 drops of almond oil
  • A fork

What to do?

First, with a fork, mash the three slices of avocado and form a kind of paste. Then add the five drops of almond oil. Mix everything very well for a minute.

After the mask is ready, apply mainly around the eyes and let it work for 10 minutes. With this it will be possible to eliminate the bags that form in this part of the face, as well as prevent wrinkles.

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