How Much Coffee Can We Have Daily?

The amount of coffee we can consume per day varies according to the person’s age, as well as their weight. However, we can also get energy from other sources.

Thanks to this drink , we can sleep, work harder  and wake up on the right foot every morning, but after all, how much coffee can we drink daily?

Several countries have a day dedicated to this popular drink. Many people on the planet trust their daily lives to the effects of its key component: caffeine.

Too much caffeine is bad

Caffeine has positive properties for the body. However, ingesting it in excess can have counterproductive effects on  anyone’s health.

An overdose of this alkaloid is capable of causing dangerous symptoms such as:

  • Insomnia
  • muscle tremors
  • cardiac arrhythmias

Although a large amount of caffeine is needed to bring about a visit to the doctor of this magnitude, the person can even die from an overdose of this substance.

Everything can vary according to each individual’s body.

How much caffeine is in a cup of coffee?

Cup of coffee

Knowing how much caffeine we can ingest in a cup of coffee is very relative. This will depend on the quantity and quality of the ground seeds used in mixing this popular drink.

It is estimated that  a single cup of this substance can contain 50 to 400 milligrams of caffeine. This measure will depend on the distribution that exists between the amount of coffee and water contained in each drink.

We also know that  a dose of 10 grams can be lethal to the human body  .

Understanding this, you would need to drink 25 cups with high concentration and in a very short time to start suffering a complication.

Weight and poisonous dose

However, it also depends on the person’s weight. How much coffee can we safely drink daily?

  • For example, an individual who does not exceed 50 kilos in body weight can have serious problems consuming 7.5 grams of caffeine and even risk death.
  • In turn, someone over 78 pounds who consumes 12 grams of caffeine can experience a fatal outcome. Some analyzes suggest that drinking more than 90 doses of espresso can kill instantly.

With kids, you need to be a lot more careful because the metabolism is faster.

  • In this case,  35 milligrams per kilogram of body would be enough for a relevant intoxication.
  • Anyway, that’s an amount of coffee that not even an adult usually drinks at once.

After all, how much coffee can we have daily?


At the moment, it is believed that the amount of coffee we should drink in a day should not exceed 4 cups  . This would be the ideal consumption limit, although there are those that exceed it.

For this, we must add that the tolerance of each organism in relation to certain substances is unique and unrepeatable.

Overcoming our tolerance moderately can generate mild symptoms such as:

  • difficulty sleeping
  • Dizziness
  • Stomachache
  • Irritability
  • accelerated pulse

There are other options

If we want to perform better, not sleep or get up with more energy, there are  other alternatives that can be complementary to coffee  .

For example, a chocolate bar revitalizes us and also activates substances such as endorphins and phenyletraline, associated with the feeling of happiness.

On the other hand, there are  infusions that stimulate us to maintain  one  deep attention  and states of  concentration. Some of these drinks have caffeine, but in very limited amounts.

Best of all, caffeine isn’t the only alkaloid that enhances our physical and intellectual performance.

avoid addiction

Decorated coffee

Caffeine is probably the most widely used and recognized legal drug on the entire planet. However, it is also true that it  is a psychotropic substance  and, as such, it generates addictions in those who ingest it.

Regular coffee users experience  withdrawal symptoms if they stop getting caffeine  into their body for 24 hours straight.

To be more precise, we refer to muscle and headache pain, physical fatigue and concentration problems.

Thus, the drowsiness and lack of attention we feel when we don’t drink the proper amount of coffee can be the result of our own habit of drinking coffee frequently.

In summary,  drinking coffee will not have a negative impact on our bodies as long as we are drinking it in due moderation.

Its benefits are positive for our productivity, but its abuse can have the opposite effect.

We hope this article has helped to clarify how much coffee we can drink each day so that you can consume this drink in the best way for your body and your well-being.

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