Home Remedies For Onychomycosis (hands And Feet)

Avoid going to humid and potentially dangerous places like gym showers. Try not to share shoes to minimize the risk of infections.

Onychomycosis. This term may sound a bit strange to you, but it refers to the infection of the fingernails or toenails due to the action of fungi.

Fungi are micro-organisms that, in this particular case, can affect the toenails or fingernails. But, mainly, they attack the toenails, since in this region they find more pleasant situations for their reproduction.

The feet are usually covered and are more likely to retain heat and moisture, ideal for these invaders. If, in addition, you suffer from excessive sweating on your feet, care should be greater.

Fungal infection is not precisely characterized by producing pain, which usually prompts people to consult a doctor.

This condition primarily presents symptoms such as itching, redness and peeling of the skin in any region of the body.

And, referring specifically to the nails, what stands out are the changes that occur: they  become darker in color, thicker, come off the skin, become more fragile and have an unpleasant smell.

It’s good to be aware that for people who suffer from a disease that weakens the immune system, a yeast infection becomes quite serious.

On the contrary, if your immune system is resistant, the problem will not be serious, but rather uncomfortable.

It is always recommended to treat any type of disease right from the start, even if it does not present greater risks, because if we let time go by, it will be increasingly difficult to eradicate the problem, treatments will be longer and, consequently, more costly.

In this article, we’ll recommend home remedies, which will help to treat early cases. If the fungus on your nails, whether on the hands or feet, is persistent and the damage is significant, the best option is to consult with a specialist.

Prevention of onychomycosis


Prevention in this case will be the best option. You must be very careful about personal care.

Remember that the things that these micro-organisms like most are darkness, heat, and humidity.

Therefore, do not offer them a favorable environment for their reproduction. Keep your fingernails and toenails properly sanitized.

Keep your nails short and clean. If you prefer them a little longer, you should take even more care of hygiene.

Perform periodical cleaning, without forgetting the correct drying under the nails, but without generating wounds. If you hurt your fingers, fungi can also take advantage and enter through the injury.

Do not share personal utensils, shoes, socks, etc.

Medical treatment for nail fungus can range from topical applications, oral medication and, in more severe cases, removal of the affected nail.

Next, we’ll talk about some home remedies that will help you fight onychomycosis.

Vinegar for onychomycosis

Manzana Vinegar-3

Soak your feet for 20 minutes in a quart of warm water and add a cup of apple vinegar. Then remove from water and dry thoroughly.

Sodium bicarbonate for onychomycosis

Prepare a paste with baking soda and warm water. Place it on the affected regions and let it act for several minutes. Rinse and dry properly.



You can blend the onion in a blender. With a cotton swab, put the juice produced by the onion on the affected nail.

Oregano oil for onychomycosis

Mix two drops of oregano oil plus a spoonful of olive oil. Apply directly to your affected nails.

These home remedies can be used for two weeks, as long as they do not produce adverse reactions. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor or podiatrist. 

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