Do Foods Help To Reduce Localized Fat?

We’ve all heard that eating certain foods can help fight localized fat. Is this really true? Is it possible to reduce fat in a specific area of ​​the body?
Do foods help to reduce localized fat?

In recent years, people’s interest in methods to lose “localized fat” has grown . Because of the appearance of fat-burning products, miracle diets and certain training plans, many of them have come to believe that it is possible to specifically reduce the fat that accumulates in certain parts of the body.

But… is this really true? Are there any foods that help you lose localized fat? Answering these questions allows you to find effective ways to combat fat accumulation and shape your silhouette. Therefore, we want to address this issue in more detail below.

Foods to Burn Localized Fat: What You Should Know

Fat located in the belly

Good nutrition is essential for having a healthy and balanced weight. In fact, research published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that increasing your consumption of low-fat fruits, vegetables, and dairy products contributes to weight loss and maintenance.

However, in relation to diet and weight loss, there are dozens of myths that even put people’s health at risk. So, for example, we have the idea that consuming certain types of foods helps to lose fat located in specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, arms or legs.

However, there is no evidence to support this theory and therefore it is one of many beliefs that should be abolished. In fact, research indicates that not even physical exercise can achieve this. Although physical training helps to reduce fat accumulation, there is no evidence to support its effectiveness in a localized way.

Whether a person tends to gain or lose fat in certain regions of the body depends a lot on genetics, gender and age. For example, as explained in Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care , men tend to accumulate fat in the abdominal region, whereas women do so in the legs and hips of childbearing age.

In the case of women, from the age of 40, some begin to have an accumulation of fat in the abdominal region. However, as we have already mentioned, it is something that can vary from one person to another due to the genetic factors involved.

Foods You Can Include In Your Diet To Reduce Fat Buildup

While foods do not have a “miracle” effect on fat accumulation, there are some that, because of their nutritional properties, can help reduce it. Of course, this occurs as long as its consumption is accompanied by an exercise routine and healthy habits.

Also, as we’ve already mentioned, these foods will not produce localized fat reduction. Lost weight may be noticed in one area or another, not a specific area. Include them in your diet!

  • Low-fat dairy: This group includes low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheeses that are low in fat but all high in calcium.
  • Citruses: Some citruses, such as oranges, grapefruit and lemons, have plenty of vitamin C.
  • Melon: rich in potassium, allows you to regulate sodium levels and deal with bloating problems.
  • Oilseeds:  Due to their high omega 3 content, oilseeds help reduce levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol, which contribute to weight gain. The important thing is to consume them in adequate doses without overdoing it.
  • Almonds: are rich in protein, calcium, fiber and omega 3, which makes them important sources of energy.
  • Oats: has high levels of fiber and protein, which favors the reduction of cholesterol levels.
  • Salmon: This food represents a great source of omega 3 and has proteins that contribute to the formation of good cholesterol or HDL.
  • Olive Oil: This product is rich in unsaturated fats, which benefits the body. Furthermore, it favors the absorption of nutrients and lowers cholesterol levels.

What else can you do?

Although foods do not have the ability to reduce localized fat, proper nutrition can contribute to weight loss. So, in addition to taking into account what we recommend, try to consult a nutritionist to get a personalized diet according to your needs.

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