Discover The Benefits Of Mixing Baking Soda With Honey

Baking soda is a natural remedy with many benefits and applications. It is used both for personal health and beauty and for household cleaning and cooking recipes.
Discover the benefits of mixing baking soda with honey

Baking soda, also known as sodium hydrogen carbonate or carbonate is a white powder that everyone has or has had in their homes because it has infinite uses. Our mothers always keep him in the kitchen for cooking and even cleaning.

This compound  is obtained naturally from a mineral called natron or produced artificially. Also, it is important to note that it contains no additives.

Benefits of Baking Soda

It is important that, before starting to use baking soda, you tell your doctor that you are taking it and in what quantities, so that your health is not affected.

The following properties are attributed to sodium bicarbonate, some real and some not so much:

1. Natural digestive

It is believed that this ingredient can be used to treat indigestion-related problems as it  would help relieve flatulence and digest heavy meals  more quickly.

However, several studies recommend not taking it, especially if you have heart problems or diabetes, as is the case in the situation described in this study conducted by the University of California.

This other investigation, by the University of Washington, warns that overuse can cause serious problems, such as hemorrhagic encephalopathy.

2. Natural antacid

Sodium bicarbonate

Although in small amounts it can be effective, as detailed in the second investigation in the previous paragraph, the ideal is to consult the doctor if we want to start consuming it.

3. Debugging

There is not enough evidence to support an alleged purifying power related to sodium bicarbonate.

4. Antiseptic

Sodium bicarbonate

Another use of baking soda is that it works as a tooth whitener. Obviously, it’s also abrasive to your teeth, so it’s advisable to see your dentist first.

5. Influenza

It is a widely used home remedy to treat the flu and general malaise. It is the best ally when fighting the bacteria that cause the flu, as well as helping to reduce the symptoms of infection caused by the flu.

6. Fights cystitis

man with stomach pain

According to a study by Chungbuk National University College of Medicine, consuming bicarbonate would help the kidneys create a protective barrier against bacteria.

However, it is important to consult the doctor first, as it is not known exactly how much should be ingested in order not to be harmful.

Likewise, bicarbonate could increase the amount of sodium in the body, which is dangerous.

Treatment based on bicarbonate with honey

Baking with honey

Likewise,  the combination of baking soda with honey is ideal for the treatment of skin problems, specifically those on the face. According to this study carried out by the Kelantan University of Malaysia, honey has healing and antiseptic properties highly valued in cosmetics.

In turn, bicarbonate works as an exfoliant for the skin, eliminating dead cells.


  • ΒΌ cup of baking soda (120 g)
  • 1 cup of honey (if possible, natural and organic) (250 g)


  • Mix baking soda with honey in a container.
  • Stir the mixture until you get a thick, homogeneous paste.
  • Cook it, preferably in a bain-marie, for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Turn off the heat and set aside.


It is not advisable to consume the mixture in excess, as a dose greater than a teaspoon can produce a gastric rupture.

Therefore, it is important that you  do not consume anything without first consulting your doctor and avoid eating foods such as red meat, flour and sugar.

acne mask

How to eliminate acne

Another use attributed to baking soda mixed with honey is to fight acne. Masks are cheap and easy to make, but you should keep in mind that, according to some studies, there are risks to the skin.

One of these investigations is carried out by the scientific entity Europe PMC, and states that these risks can far outweigh the supposed benefits, as they can cause irritation and inflammation of the skin.

Consult your doctor or a dermatologist first.


  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (15 g)
  • Lemon juice


  • Make a paste by mixing the baking soda with the honey and then the lemon juice.
  • Apply the mixture all over the face, making a circular motion.
  • Leave to act for 10 minutes.
  • Remove mask with warm water.
  • Dry your face with a clean towel.
  • Apply a moisturizer to seal the pores.

Finally, you should know that people with colon problems or gastritis should avoid baking soda. Also, as noted above, it should be consumed with caution. Check with your doctor before starting any of these treatments.

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