Cut Your Hair According To The Phases Of The Moon

If your hair is damaged, dull and dry, take advantage of the full moon phase to cut it. Thus, you will achieve healthier, shiny and stronger hair.

No doubt you’ve ever heard someone say (especially women) that they’re going to cut their hair because it’s a crescent moon; or that she doesn’t agree to go to the beauty salon because that night will be a full moon. In this article we will talk about cutting your hair according to the phases of the moon.

This is because the phases of the moon, according to beliefs and some scientific research, have an important influence on the growth  not only of hair, but also of plants, on the movement of the tides, etc.

Mysticism or reality?

No doubt there are many stories surrounding the moon and its phases. Beliefs indicate that for each cycle there are activities that will be more conducive and indicated than others.

The fact is, if we didn’t have the moon, many of the things we see daily wouldn’t exist. But how?

It’s just like you’re reading; our planet’s natural satellite and its magnetism beneath the Earth influence mood, severity of disease, nail or hair growth, animal behavior, etc.

The movements that guide us daily are mostly governed by what the moon “does”.

Although there is not much scientific confirmation regarding some aspects in particular, there is, for example, a planting calendar for the vegetable garden that specifies on which day we should plant each species considering the phases of the moon and its characteristics (if the fruits are consumed , leaves or bulbs).

organic garden

Can we believe?

What is proven is that in one year the moon travels 13 times the circumference of the earth, producing 13 lunations.

They can modify vitality, energy, intellectual capacity, sensitivity, mood, pain, etc. Each cycle affects the planet with different vibrations.

Where you can see this best is at the tides, as our plant’s satellite “pulls” water to it depending on its phase.

When it is waning or rising, the tides are low, and when it is new or high, the tides are high. The most intense ones occur at the new moon, because the sun also kicks in and exerts an influence.

The relationship between beauty, health and the phases of the moon has been studied for a long time.

Something that you can know about is that, for example,  if a woman shaves in the waning phase, the subsequent growth will be much slower and weaker, something that does not occur in the growing phase.

Precisely at this stage is when there is more chance of bleeding, so the menstrual period is usually more intense and painful and it is not advisable to do surgery or tooth extractions at this stage, but rather wait for it to waning.


Haircut and the relationship with the phases of the moon

  • New Moon:  is when the moon is not visible to us because it is located between the Sun and Earth. It is only observed when there is a total eclipse of the sun. At this stage, it is not advisable to make any type of haircut, as it is a harmful stage for the threads in which there is a weakening of the capillary fibers and more fall.
  • Crescent Moon:  is when the illuminated part of the moon is shaped like a semicircle. If you want your hair to grow faster and stronger, cut it at this lunar phase. It is also a good time to cut dry nails, which will help improve the overall structure of the capillaries. It is preferable to cut your hair between noon and six in the afternoon, when there is a progressive increase in the attraction of the moon.
Moon phases

Other phases of the moon

  • Full Moon (or full moon):  It is when the concavity of the luminous part of the moon is seen in its entirety, that is, a complete circle. The departure on the horizon takes place around 6 pm, zenit is reached at midnight and hides at 6 am. It marks just the middle of the lunar month (composed of 14 days, 18 hours, 21 minutes and 36 seconds). This is the perfect time to get a great haircut. If your hair is badly damaged, mistreated, dry and lacking in shine or life, don’t hesitate to take advantage of the full moon to get it cut. This makes it look more abundant, healthy, shiny and strong. Cutting should be done between six in the morning and noon, preferably the day before the full moon or the same day the phase starts.
  • A waning moon:  is the same as a crescent moon, but in the opposite direction. Women who have a lot of hair and volume should cut it at this stage. That way they will be able to make it not grow so fast and will be able to keep the look for longer. Make the cut between six in the morning and noon, when the lunar attraction descends.
Moon phases

To find out more about the exact phases of the moon, look at a calendar.

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