9 Amazing Benefits Apples Offer Us

If we manage to obtain organic apples and consume them always with the skin, we will obtain a greater amount of fiber and we will favor the intestinal transit, at the same time that we will be able to fight the water retention.

Apples are one of the fruits that we can enjoy almost any time of year. In addition to being delicious and versatile, it is rich in nutritional properties that offer incredible benefits to the body and health.

Its main virtues are attributed to its significant contribution of antioxidant compounds and pectin, whose action in the body helps to inhibit free radicals while stimulating detoxification.

In addition, it is one of the fruits that most provide a feeling of satiety, so it is highly recommended for those who want to lose weight.

1. Apples are good for the heart

apples are good for the heart

Thanks to this they can neutralize free radicals that oxidize healthy cells and increase the risk of developing heart disease and cancer.

On the other hand, its soluble fiber decreases the absorption of cholesterol by the intestine and helps to regulate it.

2. Have diuretic action

3. Combat constipation and diarrhea

Apples fight constipation


4. Healthier teeth

When you chew an apple, we stimulate the production of saliva in the mouth, which helps to significantly reduce the bacteria that cause cavities and other types of infections.

While an apple cannot replace toothbrush and toothpaste, it is quite useful in those times when we don’t have these elements with us.

5. Helps prevent Alzheimer’s

Apples help prevent Alzheimer's

6. Protect against Parkinson’s disease

Consuming fiber-rich foods such as apples plays an important role in preventing Parkinson’s disease.

7. Decrease the risk of diabetes

Apples to fight diabetes


8. Help prevent gallstones

9. Protect the liver

Apples favor liver function

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