5 Foods We Should Never Eat Again

There’s no reason to go back to eating those foods we don’t like, or that make us feel bad. Don’t do it for their high vitamin content: you can certainly get them in other dishes.
5 Foods We Should Never Eat Again

It is important to check frequently what foods we should eat or not: a protein after exercise, the type of rice, whole grains, fish or shellfish, for example.

The answer to these queries is (almost) always the same: maybe yes, maybe no. Sometimes. It depends.

Why? Because “each person is a world”, and what is good for one person may not be good for another. Everything also depends on the amount each one consumes. Nonetheless.

If it is true that there are foods that can be more dangerous than others, and that there are foods that are recommended for being healthier, the truth is that we cannot categorize foods as “good or bad”.

It is food, different in each case, with greater or lesser side effects for your health.

the ones we don’t like

There is no way we can like all the dishes that are served to us or that are on the menu of a restaurant. So why eat them? Food is what sustains us, of course, but it is also a pleasure, a love and a culinary ecstasy.

If you like it, perfect. If you don’t like it, don’t force yourself to eat something. Many people “hate” a particular food, but continue to consume it because they believe it is good for you.

This is not true. If you don’t like something, it’s not going to be good for you. Sure it can have nutritional benefits, but a million other foods you really like can also have.

“Healthy food” isn’t just steamed broccoli and grilled chicken fillet. Try to be creative and let your taste buds enjoy it while you maintain your health.

The ones that make your body feel bad


It could be your stomach, your head, or your joints. You might like something a lot, but after eating it you feel bloated, discouraged, and generally uncomfortable.

This can happen with any type of food, depending on the characteristics of each person, although white flour, dairy products and meat usually take all the prizes.

Decide to avoid foods that are bad for you 99% of the time. The remaining 1% is for you to enjoy, but beware: without exaggerating your consumption.

By considering this type of occasional consumption of “special food”, you will enjoy it much more. Don’t forget that if you eat too much, you will feel very bad.

The ones that make you feel guilty

You know exactly what we are talking about. Spend the entire weekend eating sweets, brownies, ice cream, chips, fried chicken, pancakes or crepes…

And you wake up on Monday with a very bad food hangover and a feeling of guilt that doesn’t seem to go away until you spend the entire week eating only apples and tomato and carrot salad.

This happens frequently: we punish ourselves heavily during the following days, maintaining a very restrictive diet, impossible to comply with.

Just like when we get drunk, we promise we’ll never do it again (even though you yourself know you’ll repeat the cycle next weekend).

The guilt for eating is horrible. It’s useless. The shame of eating unhealthy for a short period of time causes us to feel bad about our bodies, and to force ourselves to eat things we don’t like “just because they’re healthy.”

This is not a recommended technique for several reasons. First because you won’t lose the fat you’ve already consumed, and second because your stomach won’t understand what’s going on.

It may be that he becomes more sensitive with the consumption of healthy things Monday through Friday and with the excesses of fats, condiments and sugar on Saturdays and Sundays.

Ice cream

If you tend to have parties, events or order food at home on weekends, don’t overeat. Try to maintain a more balanced diet.

Don’t eat what will bring guilt, as the food must be amazing before and after you eat it.

If when you finish the dish you feel bad and guilty, is it really worth it?

The ones you can’t stop eating

If there is any food that you can’t stop eating, that you eat until the whole package is gone, if you want to eat it all the time, no matter what time of day, if someone else has to tell you “stop” and if you have many desires to consume it, especially when you don’t have it at home…

So it’s a food that you should eliminate from your diet.

When we think about the foods we must eat, which are addictive, we certainly think of French fries, chocolate, hamburgers and pizzas.

All of these “foods” chemically alter your brain responses and can become addictive. But this doesn’t just apply to “fast food”, we can also be addicted to healthy foods.

Perhaps a strawberry jam, your grandmother’s homemade cookies, or a colorful salad, although the occurrence of these cases is much lower. But if you find you can’t stop eating Brussels sprouts, that’s fine. Keep going!

those who are not food

Canned food

High fructose corn syrup is not food. Artificial colors and flavors are not food. Cellulose (wood pulp that is often found in grated cheese) is not eaten.

Propylene glycol? It’s not food either. However, the big food industries add them among their ingredients (and many others that we don’t detail here).

These harmful ingredients serve many things, such as saving money for companies, creating an addiction in consumers, using things that are cheaper and last longer but are not good for your health.

The best thing to do is to prepare your own food with real ingredients and organic (or local) products and use high quality animal protein (grass-fed beef, not antibiotics and hormones, non-captive fish, non-captive chickens live in a large expanse of countryside, etc.).

Look carefully at each individual label, and if there are any ingredients you don’t recognize, it’s likely not food.

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