Treatment Of Human Papilloma

In addition to pharmacological treatment, prevention is the best recommended human papilloma treatment.
Human Papilloma Treatment

The treatment of human papilloma or HPV must be adapted to the different lesions caused by the virus and the area of ​​manifestation. This virus can cause warts, precancerous lesions and even cancer. In approximately 90% of cases, our bodies are able to eliminate (though not completely) HPV thanks to our own immune system.

Currently, there is no medical treatment to eradicate it. Despite this, there are different treatments that eliminate genital warts and other typical manifestations of the virus.

It should be noted that human papilloma virus prevention measures are very important. However, early diagnosis and treatment are essential to be able to control it.

Human Papilloma Treatment

Doctor doing biopsy of lesions against human papilloma

genital warts

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Treatment of precancerous lesions

Treatment of precancerous lesions

Treatment of cancerous lesions caused by HPV

When HPV results in cancer, treatment will depend on the location of the lesion as well as the extent of the tumor. Once the tumor is detected,  treatment can include traditional methods used  to fight almost all types of cancer. Among them we find the following:

  • Radiation therapy.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Surgery to remove the tumor.

The possibility of using microimmunotherapy  for the treatment of human papilloma is being studied. This would aim to use immune regulators designed to improve the patient’s immune system. However, this type of treatment is still under development.

Also read: Learn more about HPV

How to prevent papilloma virus infections?

The vaccine is one of the treatments against human papilloma

Fortunately,  today we have two types of vaccines for the treatment of human papilloma, which have a high degree of safety and efficacy. The types of vaccine are as follows:

  • Gardasil : effective against serotypes 6, 11, 16 and 18.
  • Cervarix : effective against serotypes 16 and 18.


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