Those Who Have Their Own Light Bother Those In The Dark

Being proud of who we are makes us shine with our own light, but we must be careful with those who want to extinguish it. Let’s see how to achieve this.
Those who have their own light bother those in the dark

Having your own light is enjoying a good self-esteem and being proud of who we are. It means taking a strong breath for the reality that surrounds us. Besides, it’s also knowing how to give happiness to others.

After all, life isn’t that complicated. If we stop “attaching” to materialism, selfishness and, in turn, avoid depending excessively on other people, we will be freer and more authentic  to live fully.

Now… What do we mean by being in the  “darkness” ? Some people spend half their lives trapped in this dimension. In it, envy, resentment and resentment towards others make them unable to be happy.

And we must be careful because sometimes  obscure people can turn off our lights. Let’s reflect on that today.

The importance of having your own light

The importance of having your own light

Nobody will give you their light, people have to learn to cultivate their own lights, dealing with the possible obscurities that life brings us from time to time. To have its own light, it is necessary to have assumed and integrated all these aspects:

  • Learn that we are unique and authentic people. Everything you are and what you have achieved helps to identify you and should be something to be proud of.
  • The mistakes or failures of the past should not be hidden or a source of shame. These are lived experiences that enrich our life cycle. These are facts from which we learn and grow.
  • Having your own light also means knowing how to cultivate reciprocity. We know ourselves and are empathetic with others. In this way, we understand their difficulties and rejoice in their joys; and let us never hesitate when helping or serving those who need us, because this is part of our identity and enriches us.

Taking on all these aspects undoubtedly requires time and inner balance. Sometimes life doesn’t treat us very well. The past of some traumatic family relationships, partners who hurt us, or having to go through some illness, are situations that create a lot of darkness in our hearts.

However, believe it or not, no one is born with a light of their own. Light, luck and happiness are built every day, when we are aware that we deserve to smile and we rise strengthened from the adversities that life presents us with.

Protect yourself from people who turn off lights

There are those who turn off lights through their negativity. This refers to your ability to make us believe that we are not capable or deserving of certain things in life.

If we don’t have good self-esteem, we will end up suffering from this type of attack, especially if they come from people who are important to us.

Learn what we must do to face these behaviors and continue to keep our own light.


It is very possible that these people who are “in the dark” are family members, or even a co-worker. Rather than getting angry or confronting them, the best thing to do is ignore them.

Understand that behind these behaviors there is usually low self-esteem, so we need to understand their limitations and know that they are not like us.

Accept these people as they are, accept yourself, and ignore the situation.

stay away from the drama

Do you know a lot of people who are addicted to drama? It is this type of personality that creates its own storms and cries when it rains.

They like to practice victimism, manipulation, and enhance every little detail to take you to their ground and start a multitude of dramas. It’s a dangerous thing and the best thing to do is walk away.

Keep yourself surrounded by people who also have their own light.

Those who have their own light bother those in the dark

Strengthen your relationships with friends, relatives, and love interests that share your values ​​and enrich you. Life is knowing how to accept that not all of us are equal, so the important thing is not to harm each other.

The people who matter to you are the ones who make you happy, the ones you learn from every day… they will be your strength in front of people trying to turn off the lights of others.

Cultivate your sense of humor

Life is happiness and happiness is, above all else, joy. There is no weapon more powerful than a sense of humor: it cheers hearts and disarms people who bring darkness with them.

It is often said that only intelligent people are able to enjoy a good sense of humor. So, apply it in your daily life and relativize tensions, light up your life with laughter and win whoever wants to turn off your light.

In conclusion, we must accept that in this life we ​​are going to meet and have to surround ourselves with very complex people. We cannot change them or force them to see the world as we see it.

We have to respect, accept, and take care of ourselves to prevent them from affecting us. As long as we have special, authentic people in our closest personal circle, no one will be able to put out our light.

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