Clean Bronchial Tubes Naturally

Sandalwood essential oil vapors are very effective in clearing mucus, alleviating inflammation, and treating bronchial problems. It is recommended to inhale them three times a day.
Clear bronchial tubes naturally

Keeping the bronchial tubes clean is critical, as congestion can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms, including coughing and difficulty breathing.

Less severe cases of inflammation in the bronchial tubes can be treated and prevented with simple natural remedies, which are certainly part of your daily life.

In this article, in addition to explaining the functions of the bronchial tubes, also known as the bronchi, we will talk about habits and foods that can help to clear them, helping to keep them completely unobstructed.

The air we inhale enters through the nose and travels to the trachea. Bronchial tubes are nothing more than passages that direct air from the trachea to smaller tunnels called bronchioles. From there, the air travels back to the lung.

To fight possible infections, the tubes have several defense mechanisms, one of which is the inflammation of the bronchial lining. This leads to increased mucus production and can cause congestion and coughing.

To avoid this situation, you can make use of some natural remedies that help to keep the bronchi always free and decongested.

So take advantage of the following tips to ensure that your respiratory system is always functioning in a healthy way.

eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus to clean bronchial tubes

Steam therapies are very helpful in clearing the bronchi, and eucalyptus is especially recommended as it has antibacterial properties and helps to soften the mucus that clogs the respiratory passages.

Therefore, it can be important in the treatment of flu, colds and even bronchitis.

To take advantage of eucalyptus oil, add a few drops to a container of boiling water. Then lean toward the water, cover your head with a towel, and inhale the steam, breathing deeply.

Another option is to pass eucalyptus oil externally on the chest, another way to help expel mucus.

Drink water

Amazingly, something as simple as water can act as a natural expectorant. One of the factors that can cause congestion is dehydration, so it’s important to keep the body hydrated to prevent mucus buildup in the airways.

So, drink plenty of water throughout the day, following the average recommendation of about 2 liters of water, or 8 glasses.

carrot juice or cream

Carrot cream to clean the bronchial tubes

In addition to containing an excellent amount of beta-carotene and vitamin A, carrot juice helps relieve congestion in the ears, nose and throat;  it is also useful for cleaning the bronchial tubes.

We will combine the properties of carrots with honey, which is commonly used to treat coughs.

Honey boosts immunity and has antiviral and antibacterial properties.

To take advantage of this tip, mix some carrot juice with warm water and a spoonful of honey. Set aside and take a scoop of this natural remedy several times a day. It will treat inflammation and provide relief for the airways.

drink lots of tea

Like water, drinking plenty of tea helps relieve congestion and clear the bronchial tubes. They are able to help in two different ways: First, the warm liquid is able to thin the mucus, making it easier to clear it.

Secondly, some specific teas have fundamental properties for the health of the respiratory passages.

We especially recommend the eucalyptus teas (mentioned above), cardamom, mint and cinnamon.

lemon puree

Lemon to clean the bronchi

Lemon can act as a great help in the process of cleaning and unclogging the bronchial tubes. Enjoy this simple recipe that is sure to provide  relief and reduce airway congestion.

Simply blend a lemon, including the rind and seeds, in a blender along with a glass of warm water. Then add a tablespoon of honey or molasses to improve the flavor a little, but do not add refined sugar.

This mixture should be drunk slowly in small sips, and it will  thin the mucus and restore the mucous membranes.


We’ve talked a few times about the various medicinal properties that ginger has. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions; as well as being able to  relieve any irritation, inflammation and swelling of the bronchial tubes.

Ideally, drink ginger tea at least once a day to get the results.

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