Medicinal Properties Of Basil

Basil is a plant that helps to enhance the flavors of food, in addition to providing a delicious aroma. Now, do you know what your properties are?
Medicinal properties of basil

Basil is an aromatic herb originating in Iran, India, Pakistan and other tropical regions of Asia. The plant has been cultivated for millennia in these places.

Basil is very popular in the kitchen, where it is used to flavor different dishes. In fact, it is possible to consume it fresh or dry to season salads, vegetable soups or sauces to accompany pasta dishes.

Due to its composition, it is considered that it could contribute to health. Therefore, in the field of alternative medicine, it has been used in different ways.

Basil properties

Basil Characteristics

The scientific name of basil is Ocium Basilicum Varo Crispum. It is an annual or biannual herb depending on the environmental conditions. Furthermore, they have rough, finely serrated and oval leaves; its stem is erect and branched and the plant can measure up to 50 cm. At the top it has white flowers, but they can also be purple.

Basil has been known worldwide since ancient times, both as a medicinal agent and as a poison. In Africa, in urban legends, it was said that the plant was able to protect people from scorpions and, in India, several healing properties were attributed to one of its species, as it is considered a divine symbol.

In addition to popular beliefs and attributions made to it from myths and legends, it is clear that this is one of the most studied plants by specialists.


  • Digestive: in the popular sphere, it is considered that basil can help relieve stomach heaviness, bloating and related minor discomforts such as gas
  • Anti-inflammatory: it is also considered that it can contribute to the relief in the case of headache and migraine.

In addition, it is considered that it can help to get relief in case of respiratory infections and irritating cough. However, on a scientific level, it has been determined that it is some compounds from this plant that can provide relief as such, not the entire plant. Therefore, these compounds were extracted and used in formulas for the preparation of different drugs.

Can the properties of basil benefit your health?

It is not proven that the consumption of basil can significantly contribute to well-being. There is also no evidence that it makes a specific contribution to health, or data indicating that they should be consumed regularly or in large quantities.

Regarding the benefits it can bring to skin health, immune system, cognitive improvement, etc., more research would be needed in this regard.

However, there is evidence that using its essential oil can be dangerous and is best avoided as it contains estragole, a potentially carcinogenic substance.

The consumption of basil (in high doses) is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in children under 2 years.

Estragol, a component that must be used with care

Basil essential oil is rich in estragole and has been shown to be able to develop as a natural genotoxic in mice and rats. However, it was later shown that high doses of estragole can become toxic, especially in children, the elderly and patients with certain diseases.

In fact, in 2001, the Scientific Committee of the European Union issued an opinion recommending reducing exposure and restricting the use of estragole. It was not possible to establish a safe limit for exposure to this slow-acting toxin.

Today, due to its potent fragrance, estragole is often used in perfumery and some cosmetic products, including aromatic soaps. Its use as a natural remedy is generally not recommended. There is no solid scientific evidence to support its use in this regard.

On the other hand, in the food industry, it can be useful when it comes to flavoring certain foods, so it’s still used in the kitchen.

Growing basil

Basil is also characterized by its versatility. In general, it does not require excessive space to grow it. Well-kept basil can grow abundantly in pots or in the soil itself, if you have a vegetable garden.

The most recommended season for planting is during the summer. The reason is that it develops in places with a lot of sun and hot weather, as it usually does not tolerate the cold well. When it comes to growing basil, it is recommended to plant the seeds directly in the naturally fertilized soil.

One of the keys to keeping your basil plant healthy is to fertilize and cut the flowers to keep them from growing. When harvesting the basil, collect the leaves when ripe throughout the season.

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