10 Tips For More Concentration

Is it difficult for you to pay attention to what you are doing? Do you often get distracted, distracted or start thinking about things that have nothing to do with your tasks? We share some tips to increase your concentration and improve your performance.
10 tips for more concentration

Concentration is essential for us to achieve our goals in the shortest time possible. So much so that business experts say that productivity is not about the amount of hours a person works, but rather the quality of that time.

It’s no use spending 10 hours to do a report if you can do it in 3 hours by dedicating 100% to it.

Doesn’t it seem worth the effort to have 7 hours free to do other things?

Lack of Concentration: Enemy Number One of Productivity

Anything that interrupts and steals your time is bad for productivity.

Sometimes these villains are outside agents like a phone call, someone calling at your door, a new email or the television. But they can also be internal, for example, thinking about issues that have nothing to do with the tasks, wandering around imagining things, personal problems, etc.

The good news is that there are several techniques that can help improve attention span. They won’t leave you in the “moon world” for long.

Keep in mind that these actions could mean that your brain is in need of a break, a breather, a little nap, a day at the beach, etc.

Some tips that can help improve your concentration are:

1. Set goals for the day

woman working with concentration

When you get up or arrive at work,  make it clear in your mind what the tasks of the day are and, above all, your goals. This way it will be easier to concentrate.

A good way to keep your goals in mind is to leave them in a visible place (or at least where you can see them).

2. Divide tasks into “subtasks”

In this way, you will feel more fulfilled or satisfied with your work. On a large task that may take all day to complete, it is important to mark steps, steps, or intermediate solutions. 

When you finish one of them, you can take a break,  for example.

3. Discover the most productive moments for your concentration

Some people say that their most productive times are in the early morning. Others, that it is after breakfast and there are even some who say they are more effective working late at night (if they are self-employed or if the job allows them).

Likewise, identify when you are not productive, for example, after lunch or in the afternoon.

At the most effective times, take the time to do tasks that take more time or require more concentration.  At less useful times, you can do more administrative, routine, or “robotized” things.

4. Put up a “not available” sign

This can be done either at the office door, on Skype or in the program you use.

The idea is to be able to let your colleagues, family or friends know that you are  not in a position to be disturbed.

It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, but if you get distracted right now, the day will be lost. Also, you can tell your partner, your parents or your best friend not to call at certain times of the day.

5. Eliminate distractions

Eliminate distractions to increase concentration

As we talked about at the beginning, there are two types of distractions: internal and external. Perhaps the former are more difficult to eradicate. You can mute the phone, disable notifications that make noise when a message arrives, turn off the radio or music, have on the table only what will be used, etc.

But what if the interruption comes from the mind itself? Dump out ideas that are not what you’re doing  like clouds that are blown away by the wind.

If you want to eliminate them with all its strength, the brain will do everything possible to keep them where they are. It had better be a more natural and organic process.

6. Organize rests

If a task takes many hours of dedication and concentration, it  ‘s good to take a break.

But be careful, this doesn’t mean you can talk to the receptionist for two hours, or check social media until the day is over. But yes, for example, getting up from a chair, closing your eyes a little, looking out the window, drinking tea or eating something.

May this rest be no more than 20 minutes. Otherwise your concentration will be completely lost.

7. Indulge yourself

Finished a task your boss asked for before the estimated time? Get a reward! It can be a chocolate, a coffee or a pair of shoes, always in relation to the effort involved in your action.

In this way, you will be more predisposed to work effectively. If you meet the goals, treat yourself to something you like.

8. Eat well

Food to increase concentration

Obviously this has a lot to do with your concentration! Not only is it good for your health, but also for your mind.

Among the foods with the greatest powers to focus our attention are:

  • bread and whole grain or whole grain crackers,
  • pasta, grilled chicken, eggs, low-fat dairy s (especially the yogurt and milk)
  • walnuts, olive oil, avocado, salmon and sardines.

If you’re hungry it will be harder to concentrate,  but it’s not a matter of rushing to a fast food outlet because that will be counterproductive, especially if you eat a lot.

If your stomach is “heavy” all the body’s efforts will be aimed at digesting it, so you won’t be able to concentrate on anything. The best is a good breakfast with orange juice, oatmeal and an infusion. 

Also try with a balanced but light lunch, which doesn’t translate into infernal urges to lie down and take a nap.

Also avoid drinking too much coffee. It won’t help to stay more focused, this is a misperception.

Like sugar and soft drinks, they have the ability to give a false sense of control and “wake up”. However,  the consequences for your health can be very negative.

9. Create the right environment

If your desk is full of stuff, your brain feels cluttered too, and it’s easier to get scattered.

Eliminate anything that might distract. Have what you need at hand, keep order, have a good chair and take care so that nothing can disturb you.

Also, listen to instrumental music to relax or put on some good pop music to lift your spirits and energy. It will certainly help your concentration.

10. Get enough sleep for good concentration

sleep well for concentration

If you are very sleepy, it will be harder to concentrate. Lack of rest negatively impacts your health and affects your ability to think clearly, so anything will cause you to lose attention.

Were the tips helpful to you? Therefore, be sure to read the next articles with more suggestions for your well-being.

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