How To Create A Plan To Lose Weight Without Pain

In order to lose weight without suffering, we have to change our idea of ​​diet. Therefore, instead of choosing “miracle” plans, it is best to adopt a balanced and complete diet.
How to create a plan to lose weight without suffering

Many patients who want to fight overweight and obesity are trying to find  a “ fat burning  ” plan to lose weight without suffering. However, many of the diets that purport to achieve quick results involve making many restrictions.

The problem is that not everyone understands that to lose weight it  is important to 100% improve your lifestyle habits and be constant with them. Even though the popular “miracle” regimens seem like a fast track to achieving a healthy weight, in fact their effects are harmful.

Infallible advice to lose weight without suffering

Some people associate the word “diet” with a tedious and boring process that in the end leads to suffering. However, far from having this meaning,  a good diet is synonymous with a total change in lifestyle.

woman weighing herself

The drawback is that few are able to make it a permanent routine habit, so they eat healthy for just a few days or weeks. As a result, they are unable to maintain results when losing weight and enter a vicious circle that can deteriorate their health.

Are there ways to lose weight without suffering? Of course! Although the change takes a little longer to appear,  there are several pieces of advice that help to treat overweight  without the need for dietary restrictions or very low-calorie plans.

eat in a variety of ways

One of the main rules for not failing in trying to lose weight is to eat a little of everything. Since the body has nutritional requirements that we cannot modify, it  is essential to plan a varied diet that does not restrict any type of food.

While it’s good to moderate carbohydrates and fats, we shouldn’t completely suppress them. The key is to balance each dish and eat everything in its proper measure. Therefore, a good diet must include:

  • Whole grains and vegetables
  • Lean meats
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Low fat dairy

To lose weight without suffering, it is important to divide the portions

Many people have been taught to eat only three main meals a day. However, it has been said for some years that  every healthy diet should contain between five to six dishes a day. Thus, in addition to the main meals, two snacks are recommended.

Lose weight without suffering eating fruit

Eat a daily breakfast

One of the big mistakes of overweight and obese patients is ignoring breakfast as a method of losing calories. Even though it seems logical to stop eating in order to lose weight, it really is useless. Not eating breakfast increases anxiety and causes us to overeat hours later.

Increase water consumption

Drinking water every day is a simple measure to lose weight without suffering. Although some find it difficult to drink the liquid, it  is very important to include it as a complement to their diet. Both water, infusions and juices keep the body hydrated and free from toxins.


The best addition to a fat burning diet is exercise. No matter which eating pattern is being followed, it  is essential to activate the body to increase energy expenditure. This habit improves general well-being and effectively eliminates excess fat.

Now, it is essential to gradually adopt a routine so that it does not represent an impossible. In addition, the ideal is to choose alternative sports activities from the gym, so that it is not routine or boring. Choose:

  • First, walk and trot
  • On the other hand, practice swimming
  • Also, go to zumba classes
  • Also, practice pilates
  • do yoga

Examples of menus to lose weight without suffering

Without a doubt, any diet model whose proposal is to “eat balanced” can help you lose weight without suffering. Below we want to share simple examples of menus that can serve as a basis for creating varied and calorie-controlled dishes.

Breakfast to lose weight without suffering


  • Infusion to taste, cup of coffee with skimmed milk and cookies with unsweetened jam.
  • Vegetable drink, slice of wholegrain bread with tomato and fruit portion.
  • Orange juice, chicken sandwich with chopped vegetables and fruits.

Middle of the morning

  • Bowl of oatmeal with milk and cinnamon powder.
  • Red tea, toasted bread strips and low fat cheese.
  • Low-fat yogurt with berries.


  • Cabbage salad with mango, fresh cheese and walnuts; grilled salmon and fruit salad.
  • Vegetables seasoned with pepper, portion of roast chicken breast and gelatin dessert
  • Cream of carrots, roasted fish and a portion of brown rice

Middle of the afternoon

  • Vegetable milk with whole grain cookies
  • Fruit salad with oat flakes
  • Yogurt with dried fruit portion

To lose weight without suffering, you should not skip dinner

  • Roasted artichokes, chicken with fine herbs and plantain
  • Noodle soup, portion of roasted fish and low-fat yogurt
  • Tomato cream, cooked salmon over green asparagus and leeks and pineapple slice

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