Prepare A Homemade Antibiotic And Stay Away From Infections

To get the maximum benefit from this natural antibiotic it’s good that the ingredients are of the best quality, so it’s good to get them organic.

An antibiotic drug is one whose active compounds have the ability to inhibit and destroy germs that attack the body. In this article we want to share a recipe for a simple, low-cost homemade antibiotic that you can use to keep infections at bay.

Since the discovery of antibiotics, they have become essential in medicine and, today, they are still in force as  one of the best tools to control the infections  of some harmful pathogens.

However, there is some controversy regarding its regular use, as  some of its compounds cause adverse effects when overadministered.

In addition, some microorganisms developed resistance to its effects, which forced industries to create more aggressive formulas for its destruction.

What few can imagine is that  there are also natural ingredients with similar effects  that, being of plant origin, do not cause negative reactions after being ingested.

These alternatives can be used against common infections, such as respiratory or those affecting the urinary tract.

Homemade honey and turmeric antibiotic to prevent infections

The combination of bee honey with turmeric is an old recipe with antibiotic and antiviral properties that, after being ingested, promotes an increase in the body’s immune responses.

Both ingredients, 100% organic, are useful against the symptoms of infections caused by viruses, bacteria and other types of pathogens that make the body sick.

Even if each one exerts positive effects on its own,  we propose to combine them into a single remedy to enhance all its qualities. 

Since many do not know the reason for its effectiveness, we will summarize its main properties below.

Honey Benefits

honey benefits

Bee honey is a sweet-tasting substance that has stood out throughout history due to its high nutritional value and medicinal applications.

Rich in antioxidants, vitamins and essential amino acids, it is an antibiotic ingredient that is part of hundreds of alternative remedies.

Its anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties  combat the negative effects of free radicals on cells,  strengthen tissues and increase the presence of antibodies.

Both internally and externally, it  slows down the growth of some types of bacteria, viruses and fungi, and therefore facilitates the treatment of certain infections.

In fact, it is one of the best remedies against the flu and colds, as it favors expectoration and clears the airways.

Turmeric Benefits


Turmeric is a condiment from India, valued for thousands of years for its varied therapeutic and culinary properties.

Its active compound, curcumin, gives it its characteristic orange color and, in turn,  acts as an anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and natural analgesic.

This substance controls imbalances in tissue inflammatory processes, destroys harmful molecules and creates a protective barrier against pathogens that cause infections.

Even though it is unknown to some,  this condiment has over 150 therapeutic properties  that are useful in treating many ailments.

How to prepare this homemade antibiotic from honey and turmeric?


The homemade honey and turmeric antibiotic, known in many cultures as “golden honey”, is a natural health ally due to its ability to destroy many types of bacteria and viruses.

Many incorporate it into their regular diets as a  method of strengthening the immune system,  even though it also serves as a remedy when infections have already developed.

It is important to prepare it with the best quality ingredients,  as they are the ones that concentrate 100% of its properties.


  • 4 scoops of organic bee honey (100 g)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon turmeric powder (15 g)


  • 1 glass bottle with lid
  • 1 wooden spoon

Method of preparation

  • Pour the organic bee honey into a glass jar, then add the turmeric powder.
  • Stir the product with a wooden utensil until both ingredients are well mixed.
  • Cover the bottle tightly and let it stand overnight.

mode of consumption

  • Take a scoop of this remedy every day, preferably on an empty stomach.
  • To facilitate its ingestion, add it to half a cup of warm water.
  • In case of infections, consume the preparation up to three times a day.


  • This remedy should not be given to patients with gallstones or liver disease.

Ready to enjoy all its benefits? Follow the preparation steps and keep it on hand to face infections.

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