Vegetarian Diet: Check Its Consequences

Switching to a vegetarian diet brings a number of changes. However, not all are bad.
Vegetarian Diet: Check Its Consequences

When a vegetarian diet is adopted,  certain positive changes may appear in the body.

However, the truth is that many ignore them, and tend to think exclusively of vegetarianism as a synonym for iron deficit.

It should be noted that there are changes that  are more evident than others. However, after 6 months, several improvements can be seen, ranging from the loss of excess fat in the abdominal area, to a more stable blood pressure.

Going from omnivorous to vegetarian food is not the end of the world.

Despite having more popularized its consequences on health, in fact,  this type of food has many more benefits than it seems. Especially if the person maintains a consistent and healthy lifestyle.

Switching to a vegetarian diet

If you are not a person very fond of meat or fish, and do not consume these products very often, switching to a vegetarian diet will not be a big challenge. On the other hand,  a good option is to reduce, little by little, the intake of meat and fish.

For example, you can start by cutting down on red meat and eating only fish and lean meat instead. Soon after, start to prefer the blue and white fish. Finally, give up fish and start a proper vegetarian diet.

Internationally, in 2003, a campaign called Meatless Monday  was launched . This campaign tried to help people moderate their consumption of meat, or even reduce it to improve health.

Countries like Belgium welcomed the initiative very well. In fact, during May 2009, the city of Ghent became the first city with official vegetarian days.

vegetarian diet dish

Adopting a vegetarian diet and changes

1. Changes in weight

With a vegetarian diet,  after a few months, you are more likely to lose weight. In most cases, it’s a few pounds that aren’t usually missed.

In other words, contrary to what many people think,  a vegetarian diet does not necessarily have to be healthier  or with fewer calories. This is due to the fact that fried foods and sweets can be consumed in the same way.

So there are people who lose weight. However, there are others that gain weight, as they tend to consume a greater amount of food. They usually do it to compensate for the “desire” that a change in diet brings.

A blood test is most recommended after a few months. In addition, it is important  to be well informed about the best ways to meet new nutritional needs.

In this sense, the regular consumption of fruits, vegetables, vegetables and legumes, without a doubt, will bring many benefits in the short, medium and long term. It will also help keep any signs of anemia in line.

With a proper vegetarian diet, it  is possible to achieve the vitamin B12 levels lost by leaving meat and fish behind. This nutrient can be found in tofu or cheese, for example.

2. Better digestion

By increasing the consumption of fiber-rich foods (such as vegetables and greens),  gastrointestinal health is improved. So, consequently, better digestion takes place. However, be aware that this will also depend on the care with hydration.

Tofu in the vegetarian diet

3. Changes in sports performance

During the first few months, most likely you will not notice any significant changes in your aerobic exercise routine. Furthermore, weight lifting is not likely to change either. In principle, it is possible to continue lifting, without problems, the same weights and training with the same intensity.

As long as good habits of life are maintained, there is no need for negative changes. After a few months, you may notice that performance improves a lot, especially in cardio training, such as running.

You’ll see how times get shorter and the pace improves. Although this could also be due to continued exercise, rather than the type of diet.

4. More energy

When a vegetarian diet is adopted,  foods with vitamin B1 are more regularly consumed. These are, for example, soybeans, cereals or oats, among others.

This substance helps to have more energy daily, as it participates in carbohydrate metabolism.

vegetarian diet foods

Changes in social life?

Even though no one around you is a vegetarian, your social life doesn’t have to be affected. Undeniably, some people will struggle to understand your decision, but the important thing is to arm yourself with patience and maintain a tolerant attitude.

After adopting a vegetarian diet,  many people try to take the next step towards vegan eating.

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