Self-respecting Love Is Watered Every Day

Regardless of how long we are with our partner, we must demonstrate our love daily. Still, we must receive it, take care of the details and not give in to emotional blackmail.
The love that is respected, is watered every day

There is no love more full, beautiful and enriching than the one that respects and takes care of itself every day. Because  what is neglected is lost,  and what is not attended to, moves away from us.

Something that experts in the field of romantic relationships always point out is that the most common reason couples break up is because they don’t give each other the necessary attention.

By taking feelings for settled when, in fact,  there is nothing that needs so much renewing each day as love.

Despite seeming bucolic and poetic, a relationship must “regenerate” every day. Today in our space we will reveal which ingredients must be included in this much-needed action. Check out.

The love that is watered every day grows beautiful and free

Sometimes,  it is not enough to know that we are loved: this must be shown to us.

No matter how mature we are, no matter how much experience we carry on our shoulders, people need daily displays of affection to reaffirm the bond.

Our brain works as a very refined system of rewards, in which it takes certain efforts so that these areas where our affections and emotions are located are “fed”.

The emotional brain craves that dose of oxytocin and dopamine that build the most sincere, the most intimate and at the same time the most passionate love.

Our brain is a complex chemical machine with which we always seek a purpose: to feel identified and connected to something or someone.


Our minds need a purpose and our hearts need things and people to love.

We know very well that it is vital to love ourselves. But when we maintain an affective relationship, we need daily actions that reinforce this bond and put this neuronal reward system that governs the engine of love to work.

Now we will explain what actions and strategies we should keep to “water” this garden that forms our relationship each day.

make me feel important in your life

  • A partner is not the one we greet or not when we get home. It’s not someone we tell our problems to without worrying about his.
  • Our partner is someone who feels, who has needs and who deserves to be taken care of.
  • Since he’s the person we’ve chosen to build our future and our vital paths, it’s essential that we make him feel important every day.
  • In every dialogue, in every conversation that we have, we must make the commitment that we keep come into play, always reminding the other that we are grateful to have him by our side, to be able to count on him.
  • It’s little things that create big worlds.

Language is important and empathic and affective communication is one of the main pillars of love.

Small details are important

  • Your partner doesn’t want gifts or trips to exotic countries every week.
  • Whoever loves you wants your presence,  not a last-minute excuse to cancel that dinner or weekend getaway.
  • To be considerate is to write affection in each gesture. It’s an unexpected caress, a hug from behind, a  “let me do it”, “you’re the best thing that’s happened to me”  or a  “you make my world more and more beautiful”.

Support that knows no blackmail

  • Our partner should be the best support we can count on in life. Now, on occasions, there are those who understand support as  “if I do this for you, you should do that for me”.
  • It is not suitable. Sincere love does not use blackmail or selfishness. It’s not about prioritizing ourselves expecting the other person to fit our needs.
  • The happiest and most lasting relationships know that  unconditional support is the wheel that guides us through difficult days,  when we most need someone who can remind us that we can take it all, that we count on their love and help to do so.

The love that does not submit, the love that allows it to grow

Whoever loves him does not imprison him. Those who love you don’t put limits on your growth. It offers wings to fly and roots to create the same tree, the same garden to take care of on a daily basis.

  • It’s not an easy thing to achieve, because  not everyone understands and doesn’t even know how to favor the partner’s personal growth,  serving in turn this private space that was created between the two.
  • The love that is authentic is able to allow each day that the loved one has his interests, his aspirations, his values.
  • It is letting the object of your love invest in your happiness so that personal well-being in turn extends throughout the relationship.

It’s something worth providing. Don’t forget: if you love someone, water that commitment every day, every moment.

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