5 Foods We Should Eliminate From Our Diet

Here are some foods that we should eliminate from our regular diet. Don’t miss it!

To achieve a healthier diet, without a doubt, we must eliminate some specific products from our diet.

The foods we’ll mention below may even look delicious and be favorites on many people’s lists, but their consumption can cause problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and kidney problems, among others.

1. We must eliminate whole milk from our diet.

The information that we should eliminate milk from our diet may seem a little strange, especially since it is a very common dairy product in our homes.

However, it has been proven that this type of milk (whole) contains saturated fats that increase the levels of bad cholesterol, in addition to being very caloric.

Skimmed, soy or low-fat milk are good options to replace whole milk. Because

2. We should eliminate sodas from our diet

sodas are foods we should avoid

Soft drinks represent another type of food (or rather, drink) that we should avoid and preferably eliminate from our diet, as it is rich in calories from fructose, since corn syrup is used in its manufacture.

Several researches have pointed out that the “empty” calories of soft drinks are one of the main factors that trigger obesity epidemics worldwide.

And if that sounds like a little, soft drinks contain chemicals that damage bones and teeth, cause cavities, facilitate the onset of osteoporosis, raise blood glucose levels and make you thirsty.

The best drink we can consume is, without a doubt, natural water, in addition to fruit juices, teas, etc.

3. We must eliminate foods such as margarine and butter from our diet.

The margarines and butters that we commonly buy tend to have high levels of trans fats, which makes the need to eliminate them from our diet evident.

Common health problems for those who consume butter or margarine are high levels of bad cholesterol, low levels of good cholesterol, problems with triglyceride levels and clotting problems.

As an alternative to butters or margarines, we can use similar products that contain few calories and trans fats. If this change implies an economic problem (due to the price of these products), it is possible to choose to use vegetable oils.

4. We must eliminate bread from our diet

Bread contains refined flour as a base, so we should eliminate it from our diet. This includes regular, sweet or different flavored breads (garlic, onion, etc.).

The problem with these breads is that the flour does not contain fiber and nutrients that benefit us and that we can find in whole grains.

Another problem with bread and refined flour derivatives is that they offer a large amount of calories in a few servings.

If you want to opt for a healthier version of bread, choose those made with wholemeal flour. For flavor, choose to accompany the bread with white cheese or jellies with little sugar.

5. We should eliminate microwave popcorn from our diet

Microwave popcorn is food to avoid

Microwave popcorn is often high in calories and saturated fat. In addition, they tend to come in oversized portions, which makes it easy to consume 1200 calories in just 60 grams.

For this reason, it makes up the list of foods that we should eliminate from our diet.

Instead of eating microwave popcorn, choose to prepare the popcorn at home and monitor the amount of fat it contains. At the movies, opt for healthier foods.

How to replace these foods?

Our lifestyle and the price of food can influence its consumption, which by the way is very harmful. If this is your case and you noticed that you created a situation of dependence on this type of food, choose to replace them.

The idea is that the food is fresh, varied and of good quality. With time and a little practice, you’ll find that making these replacements will be more beneficial, and not as expensive.

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