8 Home Remedies For Colitis

Banana with yogurt is a highly recommended remedy for ulcerative colitis cases, as it favors recovery. In addition, the probiotics in plain yogurt help to restore intestinal flora.

Colitis is an irritation or inflammation of the large intestine (also known as the colon) that is produced due to an infection caused by a virus, parasite, or food poisoning.

It can also appear as a consequence of lack of blood flow, inflammatory disorders, and previous radiation to the large intestine.

According to the cause, colitis can be classified into two types:

Acute colitis: it is of short duration, as it is enough to fight the infection to treat it.

Chronic colitis: it is more severe and requires more care, as its main causes are ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

It is important to receive a proper diagnosis, and then carry out a correct treatment according to the seriousness of the problem.

What are the symptoms of colitis?

When a person suffers from colitis of any degree of severity they may experience the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain and swelling.
  • Blood in the stool.
  • Chills
  • Dehydration.
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Intestinal gas and noise.
  • Cramps.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Weight loss.
  • Weakness

natural treatments

In cases of acute colitis, most symptoms can be controlled with some natural remedies. In this article we will share 8 good remedies to tackle this problem without having to worry about possible side effects.

linseed water

Flaxseed water to treat colitis

Flax seeds are a food rich in fiber, fatty acids, omega 3, vitamins and minerals that contribute to a good intestinal function and restore the colon in cases of colitis.

How to use?

  • Soak a spoonful of flaxseeds in a glass of water for 12 hours. Then strain and drink only the water.


Also known as aloe vera, it has an important anti-inflammatory action and restores the colon’s mucosa  for proper functioning.

It has a laxative effect, so its use is not recommended if colitis is causing diarrhea.

How to use?

  • Extract the aloe vera gel and take two scoops on an empty stomach. You can also prepare a juice by mixing the gel with ½ cup of water and a spoon of honey.


Banana to treat colitis

It is ideal for cases of ulcerative colitis, as it has a mild laxative effect, is easy to digest and speeds up the recovery process.

How to use?

  • Eat one or two bananas a day, preferably mixed with natural yoghurt, which is a food with probiotic cultures that restore the intestinal flora.

chamomile tea

This infusion is a great remedy for relieving colitis as it has an important anti-inflammatory action that helps reduce colon inflammation.

How to use?

  • Boil a cup of water, add two tablespoons of chamomile flowers, let stand for 10 minutes, strain and drink 3 cups a day.


It has an important anti-inflammatory action, which makes it one of the best remedies for relieving colitis.

How to use?

  • Run the carrots through an extractor until juiced, or process them in a blender with ½ cup of water.

apple and papaya

Apple and papaya to treat colitis

Both fruits provide a significant amount of fiber, a nutrient necessary for good digestion. In addition, papaya contains papain, an enzyme that contributes to an improvement in the health of the large intestine.

How to use?

  • Prepare a smoothie with a large slice of papaya, the juice of one lemon and a glass of pure apple juice. The ideal is to drink the vitamin right away  so that its properties are not lost.

Licorice root

It has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties that help to improve the gastric mucosa and reduce colon inflammation.

Its regular consumption prevents abdominal inflammation and cramps. Overall, it improves digestive health.

How to use?

  • Pour a spoonful of licorice root into a cup of hot water and drink the infusion twice a day.

Coconut Water

Coconut water to treat colitis

It is proven that this drink, in addition to being ideal for cooling off, also has important nutrients that help improve health.

One of its benefits is to help heal the intestines and control the acidity that is produced when the body loses alkalinity.

How to use?

  • Buy a coconut, extract the liquid from its interior and drink it cool.
  • Be aware that coconut water sold in the supermarket is not effective, as it may have preservatives and other additives.


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