Eliminate The Double Chin With Clay And Cucumber

Eliminate this unsightly problem once and for all with some advice and an excellent clay and cucumber home remedy.
Eliminate double chin with clay and cucumber

Double chin or double chin is an accumulation of fatty tissue under the chin, an issue that concerns us, above all, for aesthetics. In many cases, it is the result of excess weight and tissue sagging, but in others, it can be caused by other health problems.

Benefits of clay in eliminating double chin

One of the factors that influence the appearance of the double chin is poor lymphatic drainage, which promotes the accumulation of fat and toxins in this area. To facilitate the expulsion of these substances in a natural way, through the pores of the skin, we have the excellent properties of clay.

In the past, clay was used for many health problems, and today we have clean clays of different types. The most used are green and red. For the double chin area we can use any of them.

Clay will benefit us in three ways:

  • Deflates the area, if the double chin is also related to tension in the mandibular musculature.
  • Eliminates and drains toxins through the skin’s pores.
  • Remineralizes, contributing essential nutrients for health.

Cucumber Benefits

Cucumber is a food that has the property of toning the skin, which will allow us to combat the sagging that appears under the chin as a result of the passage of time and exposure to the sun.

Cucumber is used in natural treatments as a tonic, since, in addition to giving firmness, it also offers a lot of hydration. For this treatment, we will need both the cucumber and its skin, as explained below.


How do we prepare?

  • To prepare this remedy, we need clay powder and fresh cucumber juice. If we have a blender, we can blend it and then sift it. At the same time, let’s reserve the cucumber peel.
  • Instead of making clay with water, let’s mix it with cucumber juice;  since this way we will be able to enhance the effects of this mask that we are going to apply on the double chin area.
  • It is good to remember that, in order not to lose the properties of clay, we cannot use any plastic or metal containers or utensils.  Let’s opt for glass, clay or wood.
  • The texture of this preparation should be smooth and creamy. It cannot be too dry as it should be easily applied, and not too liquid so it doesn’t run down your neck.

How do we apply?

  • Let’s apply a hand of this preparation over the double chin, with an approximate thickness of half a centimeter, and let it act  until it dries completely, approximately half an hour. During this time, we will try not to speak or gesture.
  • Continuing, we will take the preparation with warm water and, finally, we will apply cold water to close the pores.
  • After the skin has dried well, we will apply the inner part of the cucumber rind that we have reserved throughout the area , to further enhance the hydrating and toning effects of this vegetable. Also, let’s soothe your skin, which can be a little red at times.
  • When the skin is dry, we will apply our usual moisturizing lotion to the skin.

We will repeat the application every 2 or 3 days for at least a month. Afterwards, we will be able to space the applications further; according to the results obtained.


Final grade

For the result to be as expected, it’s important to combine this home remedy with other advice we’ve shared in other articles:

  • A balanced diet rich in antioxidants;
  • Facial exercises to relax and tone the area;
  • Natural treatment of hypothyroidism, if this is our case, which may be related to the appearance of the double chin;
  • Adequate sun protection;
  • Good posture when sitting;
  • Natural treatment of bruxism, in case you suffer from tension in the mandibular area;
  • If we are overweight, we should follow a progressive diet, without sudden weight loss that can cause sagging skin and a subsequent accordion effect.

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