The Best Infusions To Reduce Anxiety And Nervousness

If you are following any medical treatment for anxiety, it would be interesting to consult a specialist before consuming the medications, as they can cause certain adverse reactions.

Life sometimes drags us with its difficulties, challenges and pressures. This makes nervousness and anxiety appear, as they are our body’s reactions to stimuli that the brain qualifies as threatening.

Even though it is true that both stress and anxiety, in a controlled and medium level, help us to face daily difficulties more strongly, in excess they become a problem for our body and for our psychological balance.

If you notice that you are losing control and that certain aspects such as tachycardia, nausea or poor digestion appear, do not hesitate to see a doctor. The help of professionals is always essential in these cases.

Meanwhile, at home, you can follow these simple natural remedies to  find relief and improvement for mild states of nervousness and anxiety.

So, let’s go there?

The hawthorn to reduce anxiety and nervousness

White hawthorn is beneficial as it is  a powerful pressure regulator, as it relaxes, improves blood circulation and improves the rhythm of our heart so that blood reaches the whole body.

It is ideal for mild anxiety cases or for those days when we are very nervous.

how to consume

  • Experts on natural plants say that it is best to consume the tincture. You can find these natural preparations in health food stores and, in general, they are very effective;
  • White hawthorn tinctures are taken dissolved in natural juice or in water (1 glass of water with 2 drops of the tincture);
  • But pay attention! A single daily intake.


  • If you already consume medications for the treatment of arrhythmias or hypertension, the use of hawthorn is not necessary;
  • If you are pregnant, using the plant is not convenient;
  • It is not recommended to abuse the dyes, as they contain alcohol  and can cause secondary problems.

Melissa infusion for better sleep

Melissa to reduce anxiety and nervousness

Melissa, also known as lemon balm, is one of the plants best known for its relaxing action. It is ideal for relieving moderate states of stress, insomnia or anxiety.

In addition, melissa also has antispasmodic effects. That is, it helps to relieve muscle tension and reduce nervousness that is concentrated in the stomach.

how to consume

  • You can have two glasses of melissa infusion a day. A tip is to take one of them, for example, before bed;
  • To prepare the infusion, just heat a glass of water (200ml) and add a spoon of melissa (5g) . Don’t forget to sweeten it with honey.


  • If you are pregnant it is better not to consume this type of natural infusion without consulting a doctor;
  • Never ingest melissa or other relaxing plant if you need to perform tasks that need your maximum attention such as driving or driving machinery, for example.

Basil for the stomach nerves

Something that happens to many of us is that nervousness and anxiety are almost always concentrated in our “second brain”, meaning our stomach.

If we say that making a daily infusion of basil will combat the problem, you are sure to be surprised. That’s because we tend to think of basil only as an aromatic herb for many of our dishes.

Now you see, basil and its essential oil are very relaxingrelieve stomach pain and, if it were little, improve digestion. So, have no doubts and prepare a cup of this infusion after meals.

how to consume

  • Just make an infusion with a glass of water and a spoon of basil. Leave on fire for 10 minutes, then let stand another 10. Sweeten with honey.


  • If you suffer from gastritis or Crohn’s disease, it is best not to consume basil as its essential oils can have negative effects;
  • Do not consume more than one cup a day or extend the basil treatment for more than 10 days. It is best to ingest it at specific moments when nervousness builds up very heavily in the stomach (and this discomfort is not due to gastritis).

Lime infusion for every day

Linden tea to reduce anxiety and nervousness

The linden infusion is exceptional for these very common moments of nervousness and moderate or occasional anxiety. It reduces stress, stomach upset, promotes rest, relieves headaches, has a very pleasant taste and, in addition, takes care of our respiratory health.

how to consume

  • The linden infusion causes the least side effects, so we can drink up to 3 cups a day; 
  • What’s more, the infusion can become a natural drink to be included in everyday life;
  • Just bring a cup of water to a boil and add a spoonful of lime.  Always sweeten with honey in order to enhance the sedative and therapeutic action and you will see the well-being and calm you will have.


As we said before, the linden is a natural plant that has few side effects. However, as always in these cases, if you are pregnant or taking medication for cardiovascular problems, consult your doctor before using the infusion.

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