How To Lose 4 Kilos In 10 Days

When losing weight, it is essential to try to do it gradually, following the doctor’s recommendations and combining physical activity with adequate nutrition.
How to lose 4 pounds in 10 days

It is possible to lose 4 pounds in 10 days. Furthermore, it can be done safely and without unwanted effects, following the doctor’s instructions. Miracle diets, while appearing promising and supposedly providing results in a short time, are not a good option, as they end up making the body vulnerable. This means that miracle diets do not take into account the body’s needs or other major factors.

Weight loss is a process that depends on factors such as age, metabolic activity, a person’s body mass index and lifestyle habits. Therefore, not all diets work in all cases.

Therefore, to achieve a healthy silhouette in the short or medium term, it is best to consult a doctor. The professional will be able to indicate what is most suitable for you.

In fact, although many people are looking for methods to reduce weight in a short time, this does not mean that this is the right thing to do. In fact, the ideal is to lose weight gradually, progressively adopting good lifestyle habits, such as a balanced diet and daily exercise.

When lifestyle habits start to improve, results come. They can be very subtle at first, but they will gradually become more and more noticeable.

Below we’ll look at a series of menus and recommendations that can help you lose up to 4 pounds in 10 days. It is a balanced diet proposal that, unlike hypocaloric plans, can be useful in some cases, as long as the doctor authorizes it.

MedlinePlus experts explain that an initial goal of losing 5% to 10% of your current weight can significantly reduce your risk of developing obesity-related illnesses.

Diet to lose 4 pounds in 10 days

Lose 4 pounds in 10 days

In summary, the diet plan to lose 4 pounds in 10 days is recommended for those people who are struggling with overweight.

Therefore, to follow it, it is necessary to have a good state of health, bearing in mind that it is not recommended if you have any chronic illness or problems in the digestive system.

  • The proposed foods allow the preparation of balanced dishes, that is, they help meet the body’s nutritional needs without restrictions.
  • The basic idea is to completely remove the sources of saturated fats, sugars and processed foods, as they are often the biggest obstacles when it comes to losing weight.
  • Even though they are very healthy meals, the practice of this diet should not extend for a long time beyond what is recommended, as it can become counterproductive.
  • Right after this period, the ideal is to start a healthier diet to maintain the results.


  • Refined sugar
  • Sausages
  • refined flour
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Drinks that come in powder
  • Refreshments or industrialized beverages (including light beverages)


  • Water
  • fruit drinks
  • plant infusions

Menu to lose 4 kilos in 10 days

To reach the goal in the estimated time, we suggest several menus with 4 or 5 food options for 5 meals a day, as recommended in any balanced diet.

It’s a simple diet to follow, in which foods can be varied according to each recommendation, so that it doesn’t become repetitive or boring to maintain it for 10 days.

Breakfasts to lose 4 kilos in 10 days

  • First choice: a glass of low-fat yogurt, a non-fat ham and cheese sandwich, and an apple.
  • Second option: a cup of vegetable milk, 4 wholegrain biscuits with non-fat cream cheese and an orange.
  • Third option: a cup of tea, 2 wholegrain bread toasts with white cheese and an apple.
  • Fourth option: a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, a slice of wholegrain bread with ham or turkey breast and a fruit (your preference).


  • First choice: half a plate of white and red cabbage salad with olive oil, a small portion of tuna and 2 hard-boiled eggs.
  • Second option: a bowl of assorted fruit salad and a portion of roasted chicken breast.
  • Third option: a portion of boiled pumpkin with natural tomato sauce, slices of cheese and spices.
  • Fourth option: a 150 gram serving of grilled fish and a mixed salad of lettuce, tomato and onion.
lose 4 pounds in 10 days

Morning and afternoon snacks

  • First choice: a cup of low-fat yogurt and a teaspoon of chia seed.
  • Second option: a piece of homemade cake and a cup of tea.
  • Third option: a serving of fruit salad and a glass of skim or vegetable milk.
  • Fourth option: a glass of skim milk or vegetable and a slice of whole grain bread with light jam .

Dinner to lose 4 kilos in 10 days

  • First choice: a portion of grilled chicken breast, 4 slices of boiled pumpkin and half chopped tomato.
  • Second option: a small portion of lean red meat and a mixed salad plate.
  • Third option : a mushroom tortilla sautéed with onion.
  • Fourth option: diced chicken breast and a small portion of brown rice.
  • Fifth option: a cup of chicken soup or vegetable soup.

How to get the best results

lose 4 pounds in 10 days

For best results with this eating plan, it is important to exercise every day for at least 30 minutes.

In short, cardiovascular activities are best suited to help burn fat. Therefore, it is recommended to combine a cardio session with weight training. They help to strengthen muscle mass as well as speed up metabolism functions.

Finally, try to follow all the recommendations and discover that it is possible to lose 4 kilos in a short time without suffering from nutritional deficiencies. Also, if you feel anxious, supplement your diet with a small portion of dried fruit or seeds.


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