Is It Possible To Control Asthma And Alleviate Its Symptoms?

Asthma is a chronic disease, but it can be treated very effectively to the point of neutralizing it and stabilizing attacks. Find out here how to control asthma and alleviate its symptoms.
Is it possible to control asthma and relieve its symptoms?

Trying to understand some diseases is a work that can exhaust us and even more if to this philosophical peculiarity we add the characteristic of “incurable”. This is the case with asthma.

You are probably already familiar with some anecdote or experience about asthma and what it represents, but what really matters is whether you know how to control it and alleviate its symptoms (or even recognize them when they manifest).

If we’ve captured your attention so far, it’s time for you to find out all the information we have for you on MCS.

What is asthma?

Asthma is a chronic disease that has no cure. Chronic diseases are pathologies that persist for a long time, causing both those affected and the immediate family of individuals to go through a process of adaptation, assimilation and constant action on this type of illness.

This, as we have said, unfortunately  can only be dealt with with an effectiveness that reaches the point of neutralizing it and stabilizing the crises  that occur in the event of an attack.

Currently, it is the most constant and lasting chronic disease presented in childhood, which is characterized by inflammation of the bronchi and causes them to obstruct and are very sensitive to a wide variety of environmental stimuli.

The main symptoms are:  wheezing, persistent cough, chest tightness and difficulty breathing,  especially early in the morning or at night.

The causes of the increased incidence of asthma are varied  and range from increased exposure to pollen through house dust mites to the (increasingly) presence of smoke, tobacco in the breathable air shared with the environment.

Learn How To Control Asthma And Alleviate Its Symptoms

Although it sounds dramatic, asthma is quite treatable. identify why

Woman undergoing treatment to control asthma

Sometimes an asthmatic is not aware of his condition because the manifestations of this disease occur at  an age that reaches between 17 and 28 years.

Issues such as interactions with dense and toxic fumes, such as those that come from daily traffic in large cities or from exposure to tobacco, whether as an active or passive smoker, act as a trigger for a very dangerous bomb.

You must understand that while illnesses such as the flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, or a prolonged cough have similarities to asthma, they do not have the same etiology.  And, of course, the treatment to follow is completely different. Our recommendation? Always follow the recommendations of an expert physician.

Treatment after diagnosis

Woman controlling asthma with medication

When you start asthma treatment, you will have to see your doctor on a frequency that can vary between every 2 weeks and every 6 weeks. Once asthma is controlled, medical visits can occur with a continuity of once a month and twice a year.

During these tests, your doctor may ask if you have had an asthma attack since your last visit, or if there have been changes in symptoms or peak flow values. Also, you can ask about all the daily activities you do. This information will help your doctor assess the degree of control you need for your asthma. Remember, everything is custom.

The conventional treatment for bronchial asthma can be:

  • Symptomatic: your goal is to stop the crisis through fast-acting medications, such as adrenaline, corticosteroids, oxygen therapy, etc.
  • Preventive: indicates the regular use of bronchodilators, antihistamines, corticosteroids, respiratory therapy, specific immunotherapy, among many others.

See also: Combat asthma in a natural way by consuming these 7 foods

Recommendations for asthmatic and allergic people

Woman quitting cigarettes to control asthma

In a very simple, conscious and effective way, we developed a series of tips and small details, which, if preserved over time, will make a big difference both for your lifestyle and for the improvement of asthma episodes and frequencies. They will be very helpful in controlling asthma and alleviating its symptoms.

  • Keep the house well ventilated, avoid humidity and control with dehumidifiers and air conditioners.
  • Wipe off dust with a damp cloth  and often vacuum interior spaces.
  • If you have pets, wash and brush them often.
  • Use proper air conditioning systems using filters, which must be changed every 2 months, both in winter and summer.
  • Keep doors and windows closed at times of high pollination and use filters to reduce pollen in the environment.
  • Use air purifiers to clean the air of allergens and try to change your filter every 3 months.
  • Avoid smoking indoors.
  • Avoid using irritants such as air fresheners or cleaning products with strong odors, as well as any other product that is based on aerosols.

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