Discover 10 Natural Diuretics Here

In addition to having many other benefits, consuming carrots helps detoxify the body and speed up metabolism.

Natural diuretics are mainly used to treat fluid retention in the body, as well as in cases of kidney stones, glaucoma or hypertension.

It is very important to know that, in addition to the diuretic medications that are on the market, there are foods that have the same benefits, but in a natural way and without the risk of producing side effects.

In this article, we will tell you what these natural diuretic foods are. 

Watermelon, one of the powerful natural diuretics

Watermelon is one of the best natural diuretics

Thanks to its high water content, it is a powerful natural diuretic. In addition, it also contains lycopene, an antioxidant that strengthens the body, preventing damage caused by free radicals.

The amino acids present in watermelon help to widen the veins, making the liquids flow more freely, as it allows to “sweep” the liquids trapped in the tissues. It is also detoxifying, alkaline and mineralizing, which contributes to good intestinal health.


Tomato is one of the excellent natural diuretics

The  tomato is composed of 90% water, moreover, it has a large amount of antioxidant, lycopene, beta – carotene, vitamin C , and selenium, very useful in the prevention of free radicals, that can damage blood vessel walls.  


Cucumbers are one of the most effective natural diuretics

The cucumber has a lot of water, so it is an excellent natural diuretic food. It also contains silicon and sulfur, elements that help the kidneys eliminate uric acid, reducing fluid retention.

blueberry juice

Blueberry is one of the natural diuretics

Blueberry is one of the natural diuretics we present here, as it is very effective in treating urinary infections. In addition, it also has a high antibiotic power, which allows the bladder to remain in excellent health condition.


Carrot: one of the excellent natural diuretics

Carrot is one of the best natural diuretic vegetables,  so it helps to detoxify the body and speed up metabolism. The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that carrots have make them worthy of these claims.


Eggplant is one of the natural diuretics we present here

Its high water content helps to considerably improve circulation and its high flavonoid content allows eggplant to be considered an excellent natural diuretic. To get its benefits, the ideal is to cook it and drink its water, besides, it also helps with weight loss.


Artichokes are natural diuretics

Artichokes are primarily known for their ability to help improve kidney function. They contain flavonoids and caffeic acid which, together with vitamins and minerals, have a great diuretic effect.

celery (or celery)

Celery is one of the natural diuretics

The celery seeds increase urine production and uric acid excretion, thus allowing the body to detoxify in a very natural way. However, remember that celery contains high levels of sodium.


Woman picking grapes that are good natural diuretics

Grapes have an important water and potassium content, which makes them a very potent natural diuretic food. Another of their advantages is that they have very low levels of sodium; therefore, it allows a good elimination of toxins through the urine.


Asparagus are excellent natural diuretics

Asparagus contains asparagine, an amino acid that gives these vegetables great diuretic power. Thus, it allows treating the pain of arthritis, rheumatism and fluid retention caused by premenstrual syndrome, for example.

In addition, they contain few calories and, thanks to their fiber content, helps to eliminate toxins from the intestine.

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