The Best Natural Peels

If you choose steam peeling, be very careful not to burn yourself. Later, you can take advantage of the enlarged pores to eliminate blackheads and pimples.

Exfoliating or preparing natural peels is an excellent idea to eliminate facial imperfections such as blemishes or acne.

In addition, it is a good option for smoothing out wrinkles or expression lines. It is possible to do it very easily, moreover they are applied in a matter of minutes and the results are really great.

Find out which are the best natural peels in this article.

What is a peeling for?

It is the English name for exfoliating and aims to remove the layers of dead skin cells. Thus, it is possible to have a more beautiful face, without blemishes, acne, blackheads, scars and even wrinkles.

In addition to peelings performed in beauty centers, with lasers or other tools that are very corrosive to the skin, you can take advantage of the benefits of fruits, vegetables and other foods to achieve similar or even better results.

It is necessary to have the face very clean before doing a peeling, so it is recommended to wash it with mild soap and warm water. Furthermore, that there is no makeup residue and that the face is completely dry.

It is also advisable to exfoliate on a day when you will not leave the house, for example, on the weekend; so that the sun’s rays do not harm the skin that will be newly treated.

And, once the treatment is finished, a moisturizing cream (homemade or purchased) can be used to protect the skin on the face.

How to do peels correctly

Peels are usually done on the face, but exfoliations can also be done on the arms, shoulders, back, neck, etc.

The best natural peels

Lemon and cornmeal scrub recipe :

You will need the juice of a lemon, a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of cornmeal, two spoonfuls of rose water, and a few drops of lemon essential oil.

First, mix the flour with rose water until it forms a very homogeneous paste. Then add sugar, juice and finally the essential oil.

Mix everything and apply to the face using circular massages. Leave on for a few minutes and wash well with fresh water. Finally, apply a tonic to close the pores.

Recipe for peeling with sugar and olive oil :

The ingredients are two tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons of olive oil and half a tablespoon of lemon juice.

First, mix all three well in a container until they are perfectly integrated. Soon after, apply on the face with movements or circular massages and let it act for approximately 10 minutes.

Finally, remove with cold water to close the pores.

natural peels

Strawberry scrub recipe :

You will need four strawberries, a tablespoon of plain yogurt and two tablespoons of oatmeal. Put the clean strawberries in a container, mash them together with the yogurt and the oats until it becomes a smooth paste.

You can use the blender if you wish. Apply to face and leave for 15 to 20 minutes; then rinse with cold water. Repeat twice a week.

Salt peeling recipe :

Mostly used for other parts of the body than the skin on the face, as it is quite potent. The ingredients are four cups of fine sea salt, one cup of olive oil, one cup of almond oil and several drops of lavender essence.

When they are well mixed, add the lavender essence. To apply, massage two scoops in a circular fashion with each application.

Once or twice a week is enough to exfoliate. Leave on for a few minutes and rinse with warm water.

Yogurt and salt scrub recipe :

You will need two tablespoons of plain yogurt and one tablespoon of fine sea salt. Put everything in a container and mix well. Then apply with gentle massage to the skin and wait 20 minutes before removing with warm water.

peeling mask

Grapefruit peeling recipe:

The ingredients are simply the juice of a grapefruit ( grapefruit ) and a tablespoon of sugar. When they are well mixed, apply on the face leaving for a few minutes before rinsing with warm water.

It is possible to repeat three times a week, always leaving a rest day.

Tomato and lemon scrub recipe :

You need a tomato, the juice of half a lemon and two tablespoons of sugar. Mash the tomato, which should be ripe, in a container and add the lemon juice and sugar.

With circular massages, spread all over the face and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with cold water to close the pores.

Sand peeling recipe:

When you go to the beach, you can enjoy an exfoliating treatment on your legs, feet and heels (which are almost always forgotten).

All you need to do is rub the sand gently, preferably after taking a dip in the sea, with your skin still damp.

Together with the action of sea salt, you will get an incredible result.

Coffee Scrub Recipe :

It’s effective and will only need a few tablespoons of ground coffee, which will add to your favorite moisturizer.

Rub this mixture over your skin and wash it off with hot water. When the cream is completely removed, close the pores using very cold water. Don’t forget to use a tonic to finish the treatment.

Steam peeling recipe :

You can choose to bring a pot of water to a boil and then carefully place your face in front of the steam with a towel covering your head, just as we do when we are congested.

Stay while the steam takes effect and always be careful not to burn yourself; and then take the opportunity to remove the blackheads and pimples (not inflamed, of course).

The second alternative is to place a towel in the water after boiling and place this same towel over the face, once again taking care not to burn yourself; the towel temperature must be bearable for the facial skin. Stay 15 minutes.

steam peels

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