Reduce The Risk Of Cataracts By Eating These 7 Foods

Although kiwis are not citrus, thanks to their vitamin C contribution they are also very suitable for reducing the risk of cataracts and taking care of our visual health.
Reduce the risk of cataracts by consuming these 7 foods

Cataracts are one of the visual problems that can develop due to the changes the eyes experience as part of the aging process.

By obscuring vision,  this condition makes it difficult to focus on the retina  and, in doing so, creates fuzzy images that make it difficult to recognize colors, change contrasts, and perform many daily tasks.

What is most worrying is that its development occurs gradually, especially during old age and, although it can be treated with surgery, this implies a reduction in quality of life.

Fortunately, the practice of healthy habits minimizes the risk of suffering from it, especially when adopted at younger ages.

Among these, special mention should be made of foods, as they help to obtain the nutrients the eyes need to protect and regenerate.

Here we want to recommend 7 foods that, on a regular basis, can serve to prevent the risk of cataracts.

Add them to your diet!

1. Citrus fruits help reduce the risk of cataracts

Citrus fruits help reduce the risk of cataracts

Regular consumption of any variety of citrus fruit can help reduce the risk of cataracts and visual problems as you reach adulthood.

This is due to its significant contribution of vitamin C and beta-carotenes, two antioxidant nutrients that help protect cells from the effects of oxidative stress.

It improves the tissue regeneration process and, to compensate for it,  helps to reduce damage caused by the sun and toxins.

Be sure to consume:

  • Tangerines
  • oranges
  • lemons
  • Grapefruit
  • lime

2. Spinach

Spinach is full of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that help protect your eyesight against degenerative diseases such as cataracts.

It contains folic acid, vitamin A and zinc, nutrients that strengthen vision by reducing damage caused by free radicals.

Among other things, its habitual consumption avoids eye stress and reduces the tendency to suffer from macular degeneration.

  • Be sure to eat several servings of spinach a week, preferably raw, in smoothies or salads.

3. Olive oil

Olive oil helps reduce the risk of cataracts

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthy foods that should not be missing from our meal plan.

Rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, it is a product that  protects the eyes while preventing the degeneration of the lens and retina.

It is recommended to avoid problems associated with inflammation and, in addition, it is suitable for controlling cholesterol.

  • Consume a spoonful of oil on an empty stomach and, during the day, incorporate it into your salads, soups and other recipes.

4. Wheat germ

Adding wheat germ to the diet allows you to absorb more amounts of essential amino acids and vitamin E, nutrients that  reduce the degeneration of ocular membranes.

These overcome the loss of protein in the lens and, in turn, inhibit the negative effects of toxins and the sun.

  • Consume it as a substitute for refined flours.
  • Add it to your smoothies and cereal.
  • Get it in supplements.

5. Blue fish

Fish help reduce the risk of cataracts

The omega 3 fatty acids contained in blue fish are nutrients that help protect the eyes against degenerative diseases and premature cellular aging.

This substance improves blood flow, controls cholesterol and helps reduce inflammation that interferes with visual health.

Don’t stop consuming varieties like:

  • Tuna
  • Sardine
  • Mackerel
  • Salmon
  • Herring
  • Trout
  • Anchovies

6 eggs

Eggs are a significant source of lutein and zeaxanthin, two substances known for their ability to  protect the eyes against the degeneration  that occurs with aging cells.

These, added to their essential amino acids, help to maintain good visual health, especially when exposed to factors that create stress and difficulties.

  • Consume eggs with the yolk as this is the part that provides most of the nutrients needed by the eyes.

7. Green tea

Green tea helps reduce the risk of cataracts

The antioxidants contained in green tea can lower the risk of eye diseases, especially associated with deterioration caused by free radicals. So it’s excellent for reducing the risk of cataracts.

Its regular intake favors people at risk for cataracts, since it  reduces decomposition and damage to the lens.

It should be mentioned that, in addition, it is a food that balances the body’s inflammatory processes, which is essential to reduce the risk of disorders such as macular degeneration.

  • Prepare the green tea infusion and consume it twice a day, at least 3 times a week.

As you can see, there are many healthy foods that can help strengthen your eyes to reduce the risk of cataracts and eye problems.

Include them in your regular diet plan and, of course, supplement your intake with a healthy diet and water.

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