6 Healthy Dinners To Sleep Better

Oats are an ingredient rich in vitamins and are perfect for regulating the nervous system. Combined with pumpkin is able to keep the glucose level stable for several hours and will facilitate rest.
6 healthy dinners to sleep better

If you have trouble sleeping through the night and normally wake up tired, we suggest that, before resorting to natural or pharmacological remedies, try to include foods with relaxing properties in your dinner.

In this article you will learn some simple and delicious recipes that will help you fight insomnia in a natural and healthy way.

Lettuce soup is a great dinner to sleep better

Lettuce, a common food in any healthy diet, has important relaxing effects on our body. However, many people don’t like to consume it at night because if you don’t chew it well, it tends to damage your digestion.

Therefore, to enjoy its benefits at dinner, we suggest an unusual recipe: lettuce soup.

It is cooked like any other green leafy vegetable such as spinach or chard. It can be combined with a little potato or oat flakes, so it will have a creamier texture.

If you find it more convenient, you can also use it to prepare infusions and take a little before bed.

Dinners that helped you sleep better

oat and pumpkin soup

In the previous recipe, we suggested oatmeal to complement the soup, as this cereal is not only very nutritious but also helps to regulate the nervous system. It contains a substance called avenin that has sedative properties. In addition, oats are rich in group B vitamins, magnesium and omega 3.

In this simple recipe we advise you to combine it with pumpkin, a vegetable that  will help maintain a regular glucose level for several hours,  which will contribute to a long rest.

Saute with a little oil, then add pumpkin cubes and some other vegetable. Finally, cook with oat flakes for 15 minutes.

Baked apple with cinnamon and walnuts

The best way to get away from the doctor is to consume an apple a day, as the saying goes. And if you’re not able to do it during your daily journey, do it at night. On the other hand, it is not recommended to eat other fruits that, because of their acidity or sweetness, interfere with rest.

Apples are neutral and beneficial to the liver, so they can be added to any meal throughout the day.

This traditional recipe is ideal to be consumed at dinner:

  1. First, peel the apple (or if you prefer, leave the skin) and sprinkle in cinnamon, a spice that is digestive and relaxing.
  2. If desired, add a little cane molasses or bee honey on top.
  3. Then bake for approximately 20 minutes.
  4. Once it’s ready, serve it with walnuts and, if you prefer, with some yogurt.
Adequate food to sleep better

 Canonian salad and goat cheese

The canonicals (lettuce of the earth) are increasingly known because they serve as an alternative or complement to lettuce. They are considered to be cleansing and relaxing vegetables, with a slightly spicy flavor, allowing you to prepare a different salad.

This salad can be prepared with fresh goat cheese. Dairy products facilitate drowsiness, however, goat’s milk products are more digestive than cow’s.

If you prefer, you can add pumpkin seeds to this salad, as they are rich in zinc, a mineral that helps to minimize stress.

Light salads with dinner to sleep better

Asparagus with turkey breast

This is a delicious, simple and quick recipe that  will help you sleep better, because of a substance present in its two ingredients, tryptophan. This amino acid combats stress and provides a state of good mood and relaxation.

Prepare the asparagus on the grill and wrap it in turkey breast, a quick protein-rich ingredient.

Baked banana with ricotta

This recipe is also very relaxing, however, it is recommended for a dinner not too late or after exercising, as it is more nutritious than the previous ones.

Bananas contain melatonin, tryptophan and magnesium, three essential nutrients for a good rest, in addition to ricotta, which is rich in calcium, proteins and also tryptophan.

Bake the banana for approximately 20 minutes and, when done, add the ricotta. If desired, sweeten the banana with a little honey.

Images courtesy of shashinjutsu, torbakhopper, Chris Campbell and Richard Scoop.

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