Discover The Ideal Diet For Each Body Type

According to some beliefs, body type can provide a clue to the best diet to stay healthy and fit.
Discover the ideal diet for each body type

Have you noticed that you tend to accumulate fat in certain parts of the body? Want to reach your ideal weight but don’t know what diet to adopt? If your answer is yes, you should know that, according to some beliefs, there is an ideal diet for every body type.

Next, we’ll tell you more about this subject that has recently sparked the interest of many people. Do you want to find out more? Come on!

A diet for every body type

According to some beliefs, each body type must be maintained with a specific diet. That way it would be easier to keep you healthy and in shape. Easy, right?

The American psychologist and researcher William Herbert Sheldon stated in 1940 that there were three types of bodies:

  • ectomorph
  • mesomorph
  • endomorph

In general terms, the idea is that each type of body has a specific temperament (somatotype) and physical characteristics that make it more prone to some problems than others.

Based on this basis, there were those who considered that, knowing your body type, you will have the key to maintaining an ideal diet for you.


Ectomorph or “tube-like” body

People with ectomorph or tube-like bodies are thin. Therefore, this group includes people who have difficulty gaining weight.

It is important to consult your doctor to rule out any illness that may be the cause of your difficulty gaining weight. Although this body is generally low in fat, it has difficulty gaining muscle mass.

ideal diet

The ideal diet in this case is one that maintains the following proportions of the food groups:

  • Carbohydrates: 55%
  • Protein: 25%
  • Fat: 20%

It is important that you include the following foods in your diet:

  • Legumes.
  • Oilseeds.
  • Olive oil.
  • Lean meats.
  • Dairy and eggs.
  • Whole grains.
  • Vegetables and fruits (avocado).

Physical exercise

As for physical exercise, this type of body is good for the practice of more frequent bodybuilding exercises. Exercises with weights or high physical demand are best suited  for muscle development.

Squats and other muscle-strengthening exercises are helpful in making your glutes look better.

Mesomorph or “apple shape” body

Women with a mesomorphic body, also known as an “apple-shaped body”, tend to accumulate fat in the waist region. When there is an increase in weight, the irritating “pockets” will form in the abdominal area.

ideal diet

If you belong to this group of women, it is recommended that your diet contain the following proportions:

  • Carbohydrates: 40%
  • Proteins: 30%
  • Fat: 30%

The foods you should include in your diet are:

  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Lean meats.
  • Low-fat dairy products.
  • Oilseeds and seeds.
  • Whole grains and vegetables.

Also, the foods you should avoid as far as possible are:

  • Refined flour.
  • Soft drinks.
  • Fried and canned foods.
  • Junk food or processed foods.

Physical exercise

This group is considered “genetically lucky” because it is easier for them to lose weight and shape their bodies. With regular exercise, combining cardiovascular and strength activities, it will be enough to maintain proper weight and tone your muscles.

Endomorph body or “pear-like body”

This group is characterized by having a slow metabolism. They can be people prone to suffer from overweight, obesity and other metabolic disorders. The advisable in these cases is to reduce the number of daily calories.

ideal diet

If you are part of this group, try to include in your daily life :

  • Healthy fats such as olive oil and avocado.
  • Water-rich fruits and vegetables.
  • Whole grains.
  • Lean meat and fish.

Minimize the consumption of:

  • Sodium-rich foods.
  • Junk food and processed.
  • Sugar or soft drinks.
  • Sweets and baked goods.

Physical exercise

To supplement the diet, endomorphs should spend about  30 minutes a day with moderate-paced aerobic exercise.

  • Walking, jogging or cycling are some of the ideal activities to help balance your body weight.
  • When starting to lose weight, it is recommended to include strength exercises in the street routine, two or three times a week.
Is there an ideal diet for every body type?

Every body has its needs

Of course, not all organisms are the same or have the same needs. For example, a sedentary person does not need to eat what a person preparing to be an Olympic athlete.

However, does this mean that there is an ideal diet for every body type? No. In fact, this means that each person has a number of different needs, depending on various factors such as health, lifestyle, family history, etc.

Therefore, knowing what is good for each body type is a question that must be evaluated by Health and Nutrition professionals.

When receiving guidance from the doctor or nutritionist, many people consider that they can resort – occasionally – to diet models, so that they can improve their lifestyle, little by little.

When it comes to wanting to lose weight or just get in shape, remember that the best thing you can do is see your doctor and follow their guidelines to find the right diet for you and not put your health at risk.

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