Foods You Can Eat At Any Time Of Day

To lose weight or stay in shape, it is sometimes difficult not to eat and overcome the temptation. Here are foods that you can consume during the day without guilt, as the calories they contain are minimal.
Foods you can eat at any time of the day

If you are often very hungry between meals, pay attention to these foods to eat freely and at any time of the day. They are low in calories and very healthy.

Food to eat freely


Celery has 6 calories every 100 grams. It is a food made up of 95% water and has almost no caloric value precisely for this reason. It also has 30% of the daily dose of vitamin K recommended. As a recommendation, buy it fresh as it loses most of its nutrients five days after it has been cut.


arugula pesto

Arugula only contains 10 calories for every 100 grams, so it is a type of vegetable that cannot be missing from your salads. Mix it with low-calorie foods like white cheese and olive oil and you’ve got a healthy dish.

Egg white

Egg white has only 17 calories. So even people who are on a strict diet can eat it. Of course, the only recommendation is not to fry it.


Lettuce has, every 100 grams, between 10 and 20 calories, depending on the type of lettuce. It is a vegetable rich in vitamins A and C, as well as folic acid and iron. If you consume it in large amounts, it won’t harm your diet.


100 grams of cucumber contains 16 calories. Cucumbers are almost entirely made of water. 



Cauliflower is also low in calories: 100 grams contains 25 calories. Furthermore, it is a food rich in vitamins C and K.


Tomatoes contain 25 calories for every 100 grams. They  are also rich in lycopene, vitamins A, C and B2, folic acid, fiber, chromium and potassium.


Broccoli is not only tasty, it’s also low in calories. It is the favorite food of many people who want to lose weight.

It is rich in vitamins A, С, E, I, K and contains 20% of the daily fiber intake.


Maybe you think popcorn is fattening, but the truth is that this salty stuff only contains 31 calories for every 100 grams.



The laminaria alga is one of the best foods to eat freely. It is rich in iodine and has virtually no caloric value.


Every 100 grams of peas you eat will contribute 35 calories to your body and lots of fiber and protein.


100 grams of grapefruit have 50 calories. Grapefruits help stabilize blood sugar levels and are rich in vitamin C.


Melon is a delicious, low-calorie fruit. For every 100 grams you will have 55 more calories in your body. In addition,  a single slice of melon contains more than the recommended daily allowance of vitamins A and C.


Strawberries contain 50 calories for every 100 grams. It is a food rich in potassium and fiber. Also, they have a very interesting anti-inflammatory effect.



Every 100 grams of raspberry provides 62 calories. This is a fruit full of antioxidants and is rich in vitamin C.


100 grams of oranges contain 80 calories . Oranges are rich in vitamin C.  It is best that you do not remove the white skin between the fruit and the skin, as this part contains a lot of fiber.


Blueberries are one of the most antioxidant-rich foods we can find.  Its low caloric content is added to its diuretic characteristic.

They are a powerful antioxidant thanks to the large amount of flavonoids they contain. It is a food that protects against free radicals and helps prevent or slow down degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s. They are also diuretics.


Every 100 grams of pumpkin contributes 25 calories to the body. This is a food rich in water, fiber and beta-carotene that we can find seasonally in the fall.

Pumpkin is characterized by having a high concentration of water and a good amount of fiber.

In addition, it also contains vitamins and minerals that include the presence of vitamin A, E and C, and an important contribution of antioxidants.

This food helps to regulate the blood glucose level and is a source of fiber. In addition to being digestive, it’s also satiating.

Are these all-you-can-eat foods already part of your regular diet? Be sure to include them in your day to day!

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