7 Natural Ways To Build Defenses To Avoid Respiratory Diseases And Flu

To avoid a cold or the flu, you need to build up defenses in your body. Below are some natural options that will help you prevent respiratory illnesses.
7 Natural Ways to Build Defenses to Avoid Respiratory Diseases and Flu

Cold and respiratory illnesses are among the main reasons why our academic or professional performance is reduced, because the symptoms of these illnesses are, in some cases, very strong and can make us spend a few days in bed. To avoid them, we need to create defenses in the body.

One of the reasons viruses attack our immune system is because of the weak defense we have against them. Why does this happen in our body? The answer is very simple. Our pace of life makes us prone to all viruses spread in the environment. Poor eating habits, poor sleep, stress, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, among others, are some of the reasons for contracting a virus.

Although there are many pharmaceutical supplements to fight them, they sometimes become immune, so we must  find ways to prevent viruses without medication.

I know you are wondering how you can prevent the viruses that cause the flu or respiratory illnesses if they are present in our daily lives, from the bus to the office. The answer is very simple. Just keep our defenses up to the max. While there are vitamin supplements for this, in this article we’ll discuss how to build defenses to ward off disease naturally and cost-effectively.

7 foods to build defenses and strengthen the immune system

Head of garlic

Our food is a fundamental pillar to keep our immune system functioning well. In this list, you will find 7 foods that will help you build defenses to avoid illness.

  • Chicken broth:  without a doubt, this is one of the foods that most favor our body when we have colds. It has vitamins and proteins that help the immune system fight pathogens that attack the body.
  • Garlic:  It comes from the Amaryllidaceae family and has a high content of vitamin C and B vitamins. In addition, garlic has a high antibiotic potential, helping to fight viruses and fungi in the body. You can consume garlic honey or add it to your daily meals.
  • Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower:  these three vegetables belong to the cruciferous family and, like the previous ones, they have large amounts of vitamin C, in addition to being natural antioxidants.
  • Spinach and Swiss Chard:  These two vegetables are high in vitamin A, which helps our bodies ward off infections. Also, fruits like bananas, peaches and cherries are foods rich in vitamin A.
  • Cereals:  Oats, wheat and rice help to strengthen the immune system because their vitamin B content is high.
  • Royal Jelly:  This substance is an ideal complement to our immune system, since its composition contains lipids, proteins, a large amount of B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6 and B8), antibiotics, amino acids, folic acid and minerals such as calcium, iron, sodium, potassium and zinc. Without a doubt, royal jelly is a food that increases our defenses quickly and naturally.
  • Yogurt:  Yogurt has  Lactobacillus , a probiotic bacteria (helps generate antibiotics in our body), so drinking yogurt helps produce antibodies naturally.

We can see that the healthier our eating habits, the better our immune system will be and we will be able to avoid colds, flu and respiratory illnesses. Plus, we have an excuse to get creative and try new dishes.

Medicinal Plants to Fight Respiratory Diseases and Flu Symptoms

woman with cold

Another way to build defenses and fight the symptoms of flu and respiratory illness is the use of medicinal plants. Here is a short list of plants that can help us.

  • Eucalyptus: it  is one of the most used plants to reduce nasal congestion. You can use it by making steams three times a day.
  • Sambucus (Elderberry):  The infusion of elderflower flowers and leaves can be used to alleviate flu symptoms. The best way to prepare the infusion is to add approximately 30 grams of dried flowers and leaves to a liter of boiling water, let stand for 20 minutes and drink.
  • Echinacea ( Echinacea ):  It is a plant that helps to strengthen the immune system, in addition to alleviating and preventing the symptoms of respiratory diseases. The best way to use echinacea is in infusions, but you can also find it in capsules at the pharmacy.

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