Very Effective Natural Remedies Against Hypertension

In addition to trying to maintain a proper weight and exercise, these drugs can help control hypertension and reduce its levels. Check out these natural remedies for high blood pressure. 
Natural Remedies Against Hypertension Very Effective

People often complain of hypertension. Most are older people, but  young people can also suffer from high blood pressure.

To learn how to fight this, since it can affect any member of the family, it’s best to know what foods and habits work against high blood pressure.

What is hypertension?

With each beat, the heart pumps blood into the arteries. When the heart’s pumping pressure is higher than normal, we speak of high blood pressure.

There are two measures that must be taken into account to determine if the pressure is high:

  • One is systolic pressure, which refers to the blood pressure as the heart is pumping.
  • The other is diastolic pressure, which refers to blood pressure when the heart is between one heartbeat and another.

Blood pressure  is considered normal when the blood pressure monitor measures 120/80 mmHg. The first number corresponds to systolic and the second to diastolic.

Consequences of high blood pressure

person measuring the pressure

The ideal is to maintain normal blood pressure levels. When it rises, it can have serious consequences for the body. Among them are heart, kidney and brain damage.

Some of these conditions can be fatal if the hypertension is chronic.

Causes of Hypertension

Certain factors affect the rise in blood pressure. Some of them are closely linked to bad habits that can be changed:

  • Obesity
  • excessive alcohol consumption
  • High Sodium Diet
  • Intake of medications such as contraceptives or anti-flu
  • Sedentary lifestyle

Likewise, there are also genetic causes. According to some studies, hypertension is hereditary.

However, regardless of the cause , certain natural remedies and changing habits can help  fight hypertension.

Natural Remedies for Hypertension


Garlic is one of the natural remedies for high blood pressure

It is widely known as the spice against hypertension.

Some people consume a clove of garlic a day and that measure would be enough. Can also be used as a seasoning.

Furthermore, on the market we can find powdered garlic capsules for those who do not like their taste.

We recommend that you read: The benefits of black garlic

Olive oil

Olive oil has multiple properties and one of them is to contribute to the proper functioning of the circulatory system.

It has been proven to help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. Olive oil is a natural source of monounsaturated fatty acids that promote health.

dark chocolate

Chocolate drinks help treat hypertension

The higher the percentage of cocoa, the more health benefits the chocolate has.

When it comes to high blood pressure, it is recommended more than 70% cocoa and no added sugar. That’s because cocoa contains flavonoids, natural antioxidants that act against high blood pressure.


Oats are known to help lower blood cholesterol levels. The increase in cholesterol directly influences the increase in blood pressure.

Oats can be eaten for breakfast. If the case of hypertension or high cholesterol is severe, it can be consumed in another way:

  •  Leave the oat flakes in water overnight.
  • The next morning, remove the liquid obtained and drink.


Eating apples helps treat hypertension

Apple peel contains flavonoids, as does dark chocolate. Therefore, when you suffer from hypertension, we recommend that you eat it without peeling, taking advantage of all its properties.

The rind of the fruit is, in most cases, the main source of vitamins.

Salsa and lemon drink

Parsley is a powerful diuretic. We must not forget that fluid retention can increase blood pressure levels.

That’s why this drink is recommended and considered one of the best natural remedies against high blood pressure. It also helps to eliminate sodium through urine.


  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 tablespoons of parsley (30 g)


  • Cut the lemon, without removing the skin, and add to a blender along with a glass of water and parsley.
  • Process for a few minutes.
  • Finally, strain and consume on an empty stomach.


The diuretic properties of this fruit make it one of the first options in the fight against hypertension.

  • Pineapple can be consumed in juice or slices.
  • It recommendedif  you ever do not add sugar, as sugar causes excess weight  and this is just one of the factors affecting hypertension.

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