Jealousy And Envy Affect Health

Envy and jealousy provoke bitterness and negative energy, both to the person who feels them and to the object of them. These are destructive feelings in both directions.

Jealousy is the name given to a person’s anxiety and despair when he suspects his partner’s betrayal. It is a very complex feeling that someone feels in the possibility of losing something that is “yours”. Likewise, it is possible to feel jealous or envious of other people’s successes or possessions that we would like to have.

There are two types of jealousy: the “healthy”, felt towards the partner, in which an equitable posture is claimed, and the “pathological”, better known as unhealthy jealousy. We will examine each one in detail.

the normal jealousy

It is what a person feels, worried or afraid of losing a loved one, usually based on facts, but which can be easily resolved through dialogue without going into drastic, harmful and undesirable actions.

Pathological or unhealthy jealousy

This type is usually felt by people who are emotionally unbalanced, very insecure, who feel they do not deserve to be loved sincerely, in addition to being complex and hostile. It’s very destructive and usually always ends up in tragedy.

Differences between the two types of jealousy

jealousy crisis

There is a big difference between these two types of jealousy. The first requires transparency and respect from the person in question (for a full and peaceful life for two).

While the other is very intense, requires total confinement of the object person, does not allow one to look at anyone else and disallows any kind of friendship with other people, and may even demand from the object person detailed reports about absolutely everything they do during the day.

These people are obsessed with looking for clues that can lead to discovering the betrayal of the loved one, looking in pockets and cell phones, and may even hire private detectives to confirm their suspicions. They are usually very selfish and hostile.

Most people who have this kind of jealousy and want to be cured should receive special treatment as it is a disease and as such should be addressed.

Envy: Another Type of Pathological Jealousy?

Envy can often be confused with jealousy, but they are two very different feelings. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to recognize the differences and correct these behaviors that are quite harmful to mental and emotional health.

The difference is mainly that envy is felt for something or someone you want to have, while jealousy is when you fear losing something or someone you already have.

In the work environment, it is common to have a combination of pathological jealousy and envy, which does a lot of harm, perhaps even more than jealousy towards one’s partner.

These two feelings only cause bitterness and a negative atmosphere for both the sender and the receiver of the feeling.

The characteristics of “jealous people” are described below:

  • Show a change in the deal if we have successes.
  • They always try to destroy our reputation.
  • They look for defects and criticize us for everything.
  • They use irony and a lot of sarcasm in their comments.
  • They are indifferent when we have some successes.

Consequences of these two feelings for health

We speak of two feelings and emotions and therefore they are rooted in the core of every person who feels them. These people will never have peace, let alone be happy.

These are totally destructive feelings for everyone involved. They affect men and women equally, and there may be cases as surreal as aggression without just cause by the envious.

How to avoid envy and pathological jealousy?

How to avoid jealousy and envy.

Childhood is the opportunity to educate our children, especially so that they can learn to respect others. In so doing, they will never harbor feelings of envy or selfishness against anyone in their soul and heart.

In short, pathological jealousy is an illness and a specialist should be consulted. If the person recognizes that they are sick, it will be much easier to treat them as soon as possible. This will prevent her from making mistakes that are sometimes irreparable.

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