4 Recipes For A Family Barbecue

If you want to prepare a family barbecue that is delicious, healthy and makes everyone happy, it’s time to discover these 4 recipes for a family barbecue that we have for you.
4 recipes for a family barbecue

A family barbecue is a good opportunity to try new recipes, or several that we already know. The goal? Enhance the flavor of the meat and be able to please all guests.

With a little imagination you will make your exquisite dishes. We guarantee that no one will be indifferent to your seasoning.

Recipes for a family barbecue

1. Argentine Roast

barbecue meat

Argentine beef is one of the most requested when preparing recipes for a family barbecue. The livestock industry in Argentina is internationally recognized  and, above all, by meat lovers.


  • 1 kilo of beef fillet.
  • ½ kilo of marinated chorizo.
  • 5 tablespoons of sea salt (75 g).
  • 1 bottle of pilsen beer (355 ml).


  • First, cut the meat into pieces.
  • Also, smooth the flesh with several hammer blows.
  • On the other hand, place the meat (already softened) on a plate.
  • Also, salt the meat.
  • Also add, little by little, the beer.
  • Thereafter, let it stand for about 2 hours.
  • Now start heating the grill with charcoal and leave it ready, just integrate the ingredients.
  • Also, roast the meat based on the desired cooking time (it would be best to cook it for at least 20 minutes).
  • On the other hand, together with the meat, roast the chorizo ​​for a period of time between 7 and 10 minutes.
  • Finally, remove from heat and serve.

2. Grilled chicken in mustard sauce

Grilled chicken

For a memorable family barbecue, a good option is to  opt for white meat instead of red meat. This recipe will be new to your guests, as it includes mustard sauce, something that will give the meat a lot of juiciness. Write down one of the best recipes for a family barbecue.


  • 3 tablespoons of mustard (65 g).
  • 2 chickens cut into pieces (1150 g).
  • 1 pinch of dry pepper (15 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of crushed rosemary (25 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of oil (50 ml).
  • 1 large cup of lemon juice (100 ml).
  • 2 lemons and ½ cup lemon zest (60 g).


  • First, mix in a bowl: lemon juice, lemon zest, mustard, rosemary and dried pepper.
  • Also, add between 1 and 2 tablespoons of oil and a little salt.
  • Afterwards, mix well to mix the ingredients.
  • On the other hand, put the chicken to marinate inside a large plastic bag. It can be left at room temperature for up to 2 hours or overnight in the refrigerator.
  • Then preheat the grill over medium heat.
  • Also, salt the chicken before putting it on the grill. (Ideally the skin should be crispy but not burning).
  • Then let the chicken cook for 10-12 minutes and then turn it over (leave another 10-12 minutes on the other side).
  • Finally, remove from the grill and decorate with lemon slices (optional).

3. Pork ribs with barbecue sauce


If what you want to achieve is to combine the art of cooking food on the grill with  a combination of protein and some healthy carbohydrates, with pork ribs you will make that possible.


  • 2 kilos of pork ribs.
  • 1 pinch of pepper (15 g).
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt (7 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of garlic powder (15 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar (35 g).
  • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce (40 ml).
  • 1 bottle of barbecue sauce (355 ml).


  • First, the night before the barbecue, place the raw ribs in a container (preferably glass) bathed in barbecue sauce.
  • Let them marinate overnight.
  • Later, the next day, remove the ribs and wrap them, one by one, in aluminum foil. Enclosures must be tightly closed.
  • On the other hand, preheat the oven to 150 º C.
  • Afterwards, place the ribs inside the oven on a baking sheet for 2 hours.
  • Once this time has elapsed, remove from the oven and place on the grill.
  • Then bathe the grilled ribs with more barbecue sauce.
  • Then let it caramelize on the outside a little (about 10 minutes on each side).
  • Finally, cut into individual portions and enjoy.

4. Chicken skewers

meat skewer

Preparing this type of chicken skewer will not take long. On the other hand, it is necessary to remember that chicken is a meat that provides multiple nutrients needed by the body, therefore, it is a very healthy recipe.


  • 3 cloves of ground garlic (15 g).
  • 1 red onion (55 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (15 g).
  • 2 chicken breasts (600 g).
  • 1 cup of chicken sauce (100 ml).
  • 2 tablespoons of oil (40 ml).


  • First, cut the breast into small cubes.
  • Next, cut the onion into large squares.
  • Also, season the breast with salt, crushed garlic and some chicken sauce.
  • Also, grease the chicken with oil (this will prevent it from burning).
  • On the other hand, on a skewer, introduce a small piece of chicken and then an onion piece; and so on until the skewer is full.
  • Afterwards, sprinkle some of the sauce.
  • Now cook on the grill over medium heat (try to make the chicken juicy).
  • Finally, bathe each skewer with whatever sauce you like, we recommend you try chimichurri sauce.

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