Natural Treatments For Urinary Tract Infection

Thanks to their properties, blueberries help fight urinary infections. In addition to consuming them, you should have a balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids. Avoid coffee, alcohol and green tea.
Natural Treatments for Urinary Infection

Urinary tract infection is a very common disease that mainly affects women. It is uncomfortable and painful and, in addition to irritability, it can cause insomnia and greatly limit our routine.

Of course, we should never self-medicate and act without medical supervision, but we often end up condemned to the mandatory use of antibiotics.

These drugs, in addition to damaging the liver, can sometimes end up generating resistant bacteria and losing effectiveness.

That’s why it’s important to prevent and know how to take measures so that a urinary tract infection, or cystitis, doesn’t affect us again.

What are the causes of urinary tract infection?

After our kidneys clear the blood, the toxins concentrated in the urine reach the bladder to be later expelled through urination.

Hence the importance, for example, that all conduits that connect the kidney to the urethra are in perfect condition, free from obstructions.

The mucosa must also have an acidic environment that prevents the growth of bacteria.

However, on certain occasions, certain factors can cause the appearance of microorganisms and the consequent obstruction of the urinary tract. Are they:

  • Age related issues
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • use of contraceptives
  • Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate)
  • Diseases like diabetes
  • Physical changes in the urinary tract, etc.


  • Burning and burning when urinating
  • Pressure in the pelvic region
  • continuous urge to urinate
  • Cloudy urine with traces of blood
  • Fever

Natural Treatment for Urinary Infection

Pure water

The best treatment for cystitis (urinary infection) is made with natural antibiotics that help fight the bacteria present in the urine. Here are some:

red blueberry

Blueberry is one of the best foods to fight urinary infections, thanks to its antioxidant compounds such as anthocyanins and carotenoids, including vitamin C.

Its antiseptic and antibiotic functions make it possible to act directly on germs, preventing, for example, E. Coli bacteria from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract.

Vitamin C, on the other hand, strengthens the immune system, fighting infection.

parsley and garlic

Both parsley and garlic are excellent foods with antibiotic properties. We can include them in our meals or consume them separately.

Parsley is most effective when mixed with acidic fruit juice, while garlic can be mashed and consumed with a little olive oil.


They are also beneficial and can be found in supermarkets, in fermented dairy products, for example. They help to improve the intestinal flora and produce antibodies.

Diuretic food

Diuretic foods help eliminate foreign bodies from the urinary tract and fight fluid retention.

Therefore, it is essential to include in our diet foods such as asparagus, cucumbers, celery, alfalfa…

And especially pineapple, extremely beneficial thanks to its enzymes, which can deflate infections.

Recommendations for avoiding infections

orange slice

  • Increase fluid intake to hinder urine concentration and bacterial growth.
  • Take vitamin C, orange, lemon, pineapple, blueberry juices.
  • Always take care of intimate hygiene.
  • Do not drink coffee, alcoholic beverages and green tea, as they irritate the bladder.

You can tell that it is really quite simple to treat mild urinary tract infections and prevent them.

This only requires willingness and a balanced diet that includes plenty of fluids and, in particular, blueberries.

The wonderful properties of this fruit to fight infections have already been proven, so it is worth trying it and always having it at home.

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