Natural Treatment For Fibromyalgia

Stress and the emotional factor can be determinant in the development of fibromyalgia. In addition, a balanced diet is essential, as well as a detox if we are maintaining an inadequate diet.
Natural Treatment for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes muscle pain and exhaustion. It is increasingly common, especially in women.

The difficulty of diagnosing and treating it makes many people look for natural solutions. In this article we will offer some fundamental tips to alleviate the symptoms of this disease.

The emotional factor can cause fibromyalgia

The psychosomatic expression of the illness is that of a person who is very disillusioned with life, which must be considered when treating the emotional part with homeopathy or Bach Flower Remedies. As well as finding the triggering psychological factors.

If the emotional component has a lot of weight and there are symptoms of depression, it is possible to administer doses of St John’s wort or tryptophan, with food or as a supplement.

Proper nutrition

As in any natural treatment, nutrition is always essential. In fibromyalgia there is a possibility that the patient’s diet has been inadequate for a long time. As a result, a cleansing of the body becomes necessary .

Detoxify the body first

In this case, we recommend performing a detox:

  • Start the treatment with one or two days of a diet exclusively based on fruits and vegetables (raw or steamed);
  • For 15 days, the patient should take 3 or 4 cups of some depurative infusion daily (dandelion, milk thistle, burdock, willow root – natural analgesic -, etc.);
  • Afterwards, the diet should be rich in fruits, vegetables, vegetables and whole grains and with little protein and animal fats.
  • Avoiding, of course, refined and pre-cooked foods and salt.
  • The diet should be alkaline, as fatigue acidifies the body.

Suggestions for a good diet

The diet should include foods rich in magnesium, such as:

  • Fishes;
  • Apples;
  • Damascus;
  • Banana;
  • Fig;
  • Peach;
  • Dry fruits;
  • Alfalfa;
  • Buckwheat.

Just as it should be based on malic acid, which can be found either in the form of a supplement or in the daily consumption of apples.

proper nutrition prevents fibromyalgia
The ideal is to consume two apples a day.

Also, the consumption of foods such as wheat germ, honey, oats and noni is recommended.

In some cases food intolerance may occur, responsible foods should be discarded. That’s why consulting a doctor is essential. The most common compounds causing intolerance are lactose and gluten.

Other factors

Another factor that must be considered, as it may be influencing the disease a lot, is the presence of intestinal parasites.

We should take an ideal diet to avoid constipation, take care of the intestinal flora and take some specific supplement for the case. So, in this case it is recommended to look for a naturopath.

In general, it is important to seek a natural treatment for any imbalances we have: anemia, constipation, insomnia, etc. In this way, if we improve our daily problems, we will be consequently improving our organism.

Other Natural Therapies To Treat Fibromyalgia

It can be very beneficial to practice gentle exercises, for example:

  • To walk,
  • Do stretching or yoga;
  • Gentle massages ;
  • Cupping therapies.
Natural Therapies to Treat Fibromyalgia
Balneotherapy, hippotherapy and meditation are also recommended.

Images provided by Tom Gill and Marjal Costa Blanca.

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