Tips For Eliminating Toxins And Preparing For Summer

Did you know that stretching can help speed up the debugging process? When we stretch, blood gets more easily to all points of the body and facilitates the elimination of toxins.

Spring is the time for new beginnings, lots of joy, longer days, more pleasant temperatures. It’s a preamble to summer and holidays. While it’s okay to take care of ourselves all year round, when it’s cold we’re used to eating more and exercising less. That’s why in this article you’ll be able to find tips to eliminate toxins and prepare your body for the summer.

clean the body for the summer

We all took advantage of the arrival of spring to clean homes, open windows, and put away coats. And what about the body?

During the winter months, you have accumulated a lot of toxins and pollutants through your skin, the air you breathed, the foods you ate, bad habits, lack of movement, and so on.

It’s time to get rid of all those things that don’t contribute anything to the proper functioning of the body, such as extra weight, toxins and waste that have accumulated over the cold months.

However, you don’t have to starve or drink only warm lemon water to achieve this.

woman who will eliminate toxins

Even if you don’t like to do anything “healthy”, you can incorporate certain habits into your routine that will help cleanse and prepare your body for the summer.

Have you tried putting on a bikini these days? Want to wear last season’s outfit again? Feeling sick and tired? So, clean your body!

How to eliminate toxins accumulated in winter

For the next few weeks, try at least two of these tips to detoxify your body and prepare you for summer:

Do not eat gluten or processed foods

Processed foods have been stripped of nutrients and cause the body to absorb artificial ingredients.

Most of these “foods” include flavorings, preservatives, thickeners and everything bad for the body.

the cereals

In the case of gluten (the wheat protein that is also present in many processed foods), it slows down the metabolism and causes the body to accumulate toxins.

If you don’t consume it for a week (we already know it’s difficult, but it’s worth it), you’ll feel great and be able to eliminate many toxins.

eat green grapes every day

Grapes have many detoxifying qualities. Therefore, when consuming them at this time of year, they contribute to the elimination of toxins deposited in the organs during the winter, as they are taken to the intestines for elimination. Grapes are also rich in fiber, eliminating constipation.

In addition to taking advantage of grapes, drinking a lot of water is essential to help in the detoxification process.

Drink a green tea a day

It can be cold or hot, as you like it best (temperature permitting). Other options, in addition to green tea, are dandelion and neem. Infusions made with these herbs serve to achieve greater detoxification.

Tea can also be made with turmeric powder, an herb known to be used in many Indian dishes. All of these infusions help to eliminate toxins through the urine.

avoid refined sugar

As with flour, refined sugar is bad for your health for several reasons. First, because its refining process takes away all the nutrients that the original plant might have.

But it’s not just the fact that you’re consuming something that doesn’t contribute benefits, because if that were all, there wouldn’t be so much of a problem.

Sugar is very difficult to digest and affects blood sugar levels. It will be difficult to get out of the sugar habit, but try to stay away from refined sugars and artificial sweeteners.

Options to replace? Brown sugar and stevia leaves are the best alternatives.

kulinarno cane sugar


Stretching helps speed up any detoxification process. As it stretches, oxygenated blood reaches every corner and curve of your body, taking with it toxins that will later be eliminated by other means (urine, feces, sweating).

Exercise such as yoga and tai chi chuan are very good activities to do in the spring, especially if you’re not into physical activity.

Breathe deeply

Most underestimate the cleansing power of air, one of the ways to get rid of toxins. Also, most forget to breathe deeply and consciously.

In the morning, take a few minutes to breathe deeply between 8 and 10 times, with your eyes closed. It will be an invigorating and cleansing experience, not only for the body, but also for the mind and emotions.


make sure you go to the bathroom

If you get rid of the dirt and debris from the organs but not in the right way, all efforts can be futile. In fact, it could be making the problem worse.

That way, having bowel movements every day is key in the cleansing process. If not, you may want to consider consuming some mild herbal supplements, Greek yogurt, and lots of fruit. And don’t forget to drink water!

Drink water with lemon, pepper and vinegar

A large glass of filtered water with the juice of half a lemon, half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, and a drop of cayenne pepper before breakfast will boost your energy; with this, the metabolism will eliminate the toxins from Organs vital organs.

Therefore, drink the preparation every day for at least a week, always fasting.


sweat to eliminate toxins

Your skin is your largest organ and one of the main organs of elimination. Saunas, hot baths, and steam are great detox options because they help you sweat.

In these situations you can eliminate up to 20% of your body’s toxins and waste through your skin. You can also do this by exercising daily. However, don’t forget to be very well hydrated so you don’t feel drained!

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